TerriaJS / nationalmap

Australia's NationalMap
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NationalMap - data curation Sep 2022 #1182

Closed AnaBelgun closed 1 year ago

AnaBelgun commented 1 year ago

To discuss:

AnaBelgun commented 1 year ago

Alert for datasets are broken before we get the formal notification 1) set up rollbar at least to get the errors when they happen (user accesses them) 2) alert to see when a catalogue item fails multiple times 3) could indexing be used for alerting? - PR for index update in dev would list the errors; PR for production update of index 4) future state - using magda minion to alert when a link is broken or visualisation; next step - make the minion Terria aware 5) In TerriaJS - when you have a subgroup empty - don't show it (when index is run) 6) local government - investigate each state local government nodes of harevsting: 1) from data.gov.au; 2) from state portals; 3) from councils' portals. When data not in either of these portals, don't add/delecte the council from state groups. Start with NSW.

AnaBelgun commented 1 year ago
AnaBelgun commented 1 year ago

Ticket replaced by individual ones.