TerriaJS / nationalmap

Australia's NationalMap
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Consider if we should add a CatalogGroup for "ABS Maps" `geographyConfig.js` hierarchy #1215

Open meh9 opened 1 year ago

meh9 commented 1 year ago

ABS has an Esri ArcGIS server hierarchy providing all their boundaries which they keep up to date: https://geo.abs.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/

Unfortunately, they do not have enough metadata in these services for us to automatically harvest these into NationalMap, e.g. this Remoteness Area server does not have a Name field with a human readable name, so if we harvest it you have to look at the server description to understand what it is: https://geo.abs.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/ASGS2021/RA/MapServer/

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 09 14 14 Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 09 14 22

However, they have their own ABS Maps application, where they have their own layer index file that adds this additional metadata: https://maps.abs.gov.au/

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 09 17 29

They have this metadata in the file: https://maps.abs.gov.au/ABSMaps/js/geographyConfig.js

    label: "Remoteness Area (RA)",
    type: "RA",
    group: "ASGS",
    year: 2021,
    upGeog: "STE",
    downGeog: "SA1",
    layerID: 25,
    code: "",
    name: "",
    nameField: "RA_NAME_2021",
    codeField: "RA_CODE_2021",
    numericCode: false,
    classificationNameField: "RA_NAME_2021",
    classificationCodeField: "RA_CODE_2021",
    URL_TOP: "RA/MapServer",
    URL_BOTTOM: "ASGS_2021_RA_BLUE/MapServer",
    folder: "ASGS2021",
    searchFolder: "ASGS2021",
    maxScale: "72000",
    downloadURL: "https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files"

From the data in that JSON file we would be able to recreate the hierarchy of the ABS Maps application, which would also keep NationalMap updated as they update their ABS Maps.

We should consider if we want to add a CatalogGroup capable of reading the ABS Maps metadata file so that NatMap (and all other Australian based Terria maps) can automatically ingest it and display that hierarchy in the catalogue.