TerriaJS / nationalmap

Australia's NationalMap
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Add ASGS edition 3 (2021) boundaries for region mapping #1219

Closed nf-s closed 7 months ago

nf-s commented 10 months ago

We are missing most boundaries from ASGS edition 3 (2021) - https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files

I can find datasets in NationalMap that use the following ASGS edition 3 boundaries:

There are a few other ASGS edition 3 boundaries that we don't have - but I couldn't find any datasets that use them

We are also missing a lot of boundaries from ASGS 2016 - but our support for ASGS 2011 seems mostly complete

To add boundaries, we need to convert them to mapbox vector tiles, and then add them to either the global TerriaJS regionMapping.json - which would probably make sense for ASGS - or add them to map-specific regionMapping.json files

We have our helper https://github.com/TerriaJS/boundary-tiles library

One thing to keep in mind, we need to test all SDMX datasets to make sure we don't repeat

I did a quick survey of the new ABS geospatial web services. They publish ArcGis MapServer and FeatureServer for ASGS boundaries (at least for 2021) - they even publish OGC API for Features! - but I couldn't find any vector tile support. So we would still need to ingest shapefiles/geopackages and convert them to mapbox vector tiles.

See also

nf-s commented 9 months ago

I did a quick survey of the difference in boundaries across ASGS editions - while testing SDMX dataflows in Census 2021 category. It is not good. Here is a story that shows differences in Postal Areas and State Electoral Divisions

I think we should remove the following groups as soon as possible

There are a few other dataflows that have incorrect or missing regions

nf-s commented 9 months ago

We may need latest LGA and postcode geographies for November for new ASEA datasets

AnaBelgun commented 9 months ago

Update meeting GA 29 Sep 23:

nf-s commented 9 months ago

Pretty please also do

nf-s commented 9 months ago

After we add ASGS 2021 - we need to do some sort of announcement - to discuss how.

Also update csv-geo-au

Also re-enable SDMX datasets

AnaBelgun commented 8 months ago

Update 16 Oct 23:

ljowen commented 8 months ago
AnaBelgun commented 8 months ago

Update 23 Oct 23:

nf-s commented 8 months ago

After release, create a list of SDMX dataflows to send to ABS for QA

nf-s commented 8 months ago

This will be in for next release - @nf-s to go through and update SDMX with new regions

nf-s commented 7 months ago

In production!