TerriaJS / nationalmap

Australia's NationalMap
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Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) data #1229

Open AnaBelgun opened 1 year ago

AnaBelgun commented 1 year ago

New dataset to be uploaded to Data.gov.au. Once that's done, symbology confirmed working as expected, the agency will embed the data in own website.

nf-s commented 1 year ago

We will need latest LGA and Postal Area Approximations

nf-s commented 1 year ago

In the email chain, I saw that we recommended "GeoJSON or OGC WFS or Esri FeatureService" - we should really encourage them to also publish a CSV version so we can do region mapping.

Downloading the 60,000 SA1 features as GeoJSON (or from WFS or FeatureService) will be very large, and probably quite slow.

CSV is much more efficient. It will also give you the same "Edit style" feature

nf-s commented 1 year ago

Data will contain probability score per SA1 (and some other attributes that were inputs to model)

They will provide symbology (8 classes) - either

Then we will disable the "edit style" feature for their data to ensure consistent styling across platforms.

Not confirmed yet, but data will ideally be uploaded to Data.gov.au. We have requested CSV format

Data available to public towards November.

Note for Digital Atlas, service must be ArcGis Map Service or Feature service

nf-s commented 12 months ago


First release is likely to be a CSV of relevant SA2s uploaded to data.gov.au.

Symbology not confirmed - 4 or 8-class polygon fill