TerriaJS / nationalmap

Australia's NationalMap
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Air quality (national) data #1238

Open AnaBelgun opened 8 months ago

AnaBelgun commented 8 months ago

Check and add air quality national data from here: https://naqd.eresearch.unimelb.edu.au/datasets/national:geonode:sites_rest_of_australia/metadata_detail

nf-s commented 7 months ago

Add the "Daily maximums" - they are broken up by year

The CSV endpoint may be difficult to add - as it has a "geom" column - I don't believe we support this.


There is also a GeoJSON endpoint - https://naqd.eresearch.unimelb.edu.au/geoserver/ows?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typename=geonode%3Aaus_observations_2023&outputFormat=json&srs=EPSG%3A4283&srsName=EPSG%3A4283

GeoJSON currently doesn't support time-series chart for point features (when you click on a point).

mwu2018 commented 5 months ago

The datasets were copied from various service providers at some points of time therefore are historical and incomplete.

The cited service providers are

The datasets as wms-group have been added to nationalmap dev site.

Added as wfs-group can be found here -- preferred.