TerriaJS / nationalmap

Australia's NationalMap
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National Map - Update ABARES dataset urls #1266

Open ljowen opened 1 week ago

ljowen commented 1 week ago

jasmine howorth

ABARES have several datasets featured in the Data Catalogue for National Map under the Agriculture topic group. The urls for these web services are changing and will no longer work from this Friday 21 June. The new URL prefix for all these layers is https://gis.environment.gov.au/gispubmap/rest/services/abares

The 2018 and 2020 layers which are currently on National Map and new URLs are listed below: Agriculture Catchment scale land use

Forest web services

mwu2018 commented 6 days ago

"The new URL prefix for all these layers is https://gis.environment.gov.au/gispubmap/rest/services/abares" -- This seems incorrect because it is the same as what we already have in the current catalog.

Besides, requests to https://gis.environment.gov.au/gispubmap/rest/services/abares will get "Bad Gateway" response. Is the server down?

ljowen commented 6 days ago

https://www.environment.gov.au/mapping/rest/services/abares/CLUM_50m/MapServer is what I'm seeing in prod, it looks like a redirect has been setup to gis.environment.gov.au