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Update regionmapping.json to csv-geo-au (AEC boundaries 2016) #319

Closed stevage closed 8 years ago

stevage commented 8 years ago


Doesn't follow csv-geo-au: should be ced_aec_code_2016, not com_elb

tobybellwood commented 8 years ago

Com_elb had been suggested to avoid using the abs terms ced and sed, using com_elb nsw_elb etc, and allow us to use districts too eg wa_eld

RacingTadpole commented 8 years ago

I've just had a query from a user about why their csv file isn't working; he is using the column name ced_aec_name_2016. Note neither ced_aec_name_2011 nor ced_aec_name works either, although they are listed as examples of csv-geo-au in the docs.

Can we add all 3 of these to all our maps? Is there a workaround in the meantime (@stevage?)?

stevage commented 8 years ago

Ok, let's spell it all out, in the form of a brain dump.

There are electoral boundaries, managed by the AEC, which tends to use the term "com_elb" (commonwealth electoral boundaries). These are updated from time to time, between elections. For simplicity, the Parliamentary Library uses the year of the election to refer to them (so, a boundary that was modified in 2009 for the 2010 election would be called a 2010 boundary).

There are approximations of these, matching ASGS blocks, managed by the ABS, which uses the term CED (commonwealth electoral divisions). The ASGS gets updated every year, but I think the CEDs get updated in line with the AEC.

The ABS uses names that exactly match the AEC ones, but allocates its own 3 digit IDs. The AEC doesn't seem to provide IDs (in the PSMA Administrative Boundaries downloads there are ids like NSW47).

We currently have these boundaries loaded in our productionregion-mapping geoserver:

All the AEC layers, except the very last one, also have the ABS ids. Maybe @steve9164 merged them in. It seems every so slightly weird to use ABS ids to refer to actual AEC boundaries, but, whatever.

On our development region-mapping server (regionmap-dev), we also have:

Now, what column names should we support? Probably this:

Should we prefer com_elb over ced_aec or vice versa?

tobybellwood commented 8 years ago

Agree with the column names above.

com_elb should definitely be preferred - the ced_aec is a confusing conflation of terminology. Out of interest, given that ced_aec doesn't currently work - can we correct the standard, remove it and handle complaints as they come?

For info the AEC does use a numbering system consistent across the years (http://vtr.aec.gov.au/Downloads/GeneralEnrolmentByDivisionDownload-20499.csv has the DivisionID column for 2016 - I have a X-ref somewhere...)

stevage commented 8 years ago

Ok, I'll remove it from the standard, but quietly support it for anyone that has already created csvs in that format.

stevage commented 8 years ago

Actually...no, supporting a non-standard name is probably a bad move. Let's not do that.

stevage commented 8 years ago

Hmm, the AEC "division ID" don't match the ABS codes. We should include those, but label them separately, maybe "com_elb_id".

stevage commented 8 years ago

Our 2011 AEC boundaries don't have ABS codes (or division ids for that matter). http://geoserver.nationalmap.nicta.com.au/region_map/region_map/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=region_map:FID_COM20111216_ELB_region&styles=&bbox=96.816766,-43.74051,159.109219,-9.142176&width=768&height=426&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers

steve9164 commented 8 years ago

Toby got me to add division IDs to the 2016 AEC boundaries (as well as merging the 2011 boundaries with a few of the states that had changed their boundaries for 2016)

tobybellwood commented 8 years ago

aec_div_ids.txt Here's a list of the AEC division IDs for 2004-2016 - note the renaming of the IDs for Fraser and Throsby in 2016.

stevage commented 8 years ago

Yeah, for consistency (I hope) I'll go with code = ABS code, id = AEC div id.