TerriaJS / nationalmap

Australia's NationalMap
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Consolidate fire related data from States and Territories #944

Open AnaBelgun opened 4 years ago

AnaBelgun commented 4 years ago

Given latest developments and the number of data sources and applications users have to access for fire, traffic and weather data, it would be good to consolidate this information on NationalMap, as another option to give access to general public. This is not to replace the State based applications or platforms.

1st step - contacting the data custodians 2nd - access readily available (open data services) 3rd - work with custodians to develop web services 4th - visualise them on NationalMap and other applications

Some links to start with:

Fire information:

Traffic: NSW - https://www.livetraffic.com/desktop.html; https://opendata.transport.nsw.gov.au/node/342/exploreapi WA - https://catalogue.data.wa.gov.au/dataset/dbca-traffic-management VIC - http://api.vicroads.vic.gov.au/

tobybellwood commented 4 years ago

ArcGIS online has two layers for VIC https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=1a3c13a8a6ab458fbc933553f883f032 https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=dc59edbec23c4b209def4d65193c7b2b

Ping @simongis - he may have more ideas too!

simongis commented 4 years ago

For some of the States that had some issues getting access to their feeds, we worked with them to setup some syncs to ArcGIS Online. Main benefit here was 99.9% SLA, and elastic scaling without any cost for the organisation. We had 120k hits in one day for a service in VIC, so good to see the services are being used by people.

Welcome to use those services in NationalMap, won't put any pressure on the agencies infrastructure. Reach out if you want to go down this path, can bring the various agency contacts into the conversation if required. Some of the items in that group are from other state agencies, and just need to check if they intend on keeping the sync going. Esri Australia can assist here if required.


This consolidation of fire feeds has been a common request. Not my area, but perhaps if the agencies all adopted the open standard CAP-AU, then it might be easier to have a seamless layer across the borders? One for Emsina to drive?

AnaBelgun commented 4 years ago

Thanks @simongis and @tobybellwood; we're looking into it and will email you for details

rowanwins commented 4 years ago

So just jotting down some notes

NSW Fire data

VIC Fire data

simongis commented 4 years ago

Happy to answer some of those issues around differences, but think we might be in luck. EMSINA will be releasing a national bushfire boundary layer web service (some states still in progress...)

This will initially cover TAS/ACT/VIC/NSW/SA

Will be hosted in ArcGIS Online.

Will report back

rowanwins commented 4 years ago

Awesome - thanks for the update @simongis

simongis commented 4 years ago

Update: It will be just the extents for starters. Hopefully released tomorrow.

simongis commented 4 years ago

EMSINA have put out an early release of their Bushfire Boundaries. They are working on some of the missing states and incidents.

There is DCAT (for CKAN/Data.gov.au), GeoJSON, WFS endpoints that can be crawled from Data.gov.au and National Map if required. @tobybellwood has helped enable this in the past.

Sing out if any Qs. EMSINA contacts can be found in the Metadata


Australian Bushfire Boundaries from EMSINA (Esri Shops) https://www.arcgis.com/home/search.html?q=bc87de02d8ae4911b070607838370184

Australian Bushfire Boundaries from EMSINA - WFS: (Non Esri Shops) https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=3265c79ce77a4169a0e6feed15ca1ba7

Very Simple Web App: https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=3c2316fbd7de4dbbbcbc9c40de91004c

Bushfire Resources in ArcGIS Online https://bushfires-esriau.hub.arcgis.com/


AnaBelgun commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the update @simongis; we're working with the EM-LINK group to get these services on NationalMap (initially in staging). Will keep you posted through this ticket. Thanks again for all the updates.

simongis commented 4 years ago

Excellent. Let me know if there is anything you need from the Esri side.

simongis commented 4 years ago

Note that GA have had to use new endpoints for the services as of about 20 minutes ago. Now includes Area attributes