TerriaJS / neii-viewer

Data viewer for National Environmental Information Infrastructure
Apache License 2.0
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Water > Geofabric > Surface Hydrology datasets have many issues #170

Closed KeyboardSounds closed 3 years ago

KeyboardSounds commented 4 years ago

For every layer in this group: 1) unknown tile error seems to break entire layer 2) information is missing from the catalog item description - left is v7, right is v8 image 3) bounding boxes are wrong:

"The rectangle in dev excludes WA, most of Tasmania, and also the far east coast around the Qld/NSW border area. These areas all have data and the outline box should not have changed from the existing one. Others have the same issue."

nf-s commented 3 years ago

Layers are now working, there is a slight difference in how metadata is displayed.

For example - Service Description


AnaBelgun commented 3 years ago

@nf-s this should be ok for now (with the slight difference)

nf-s commented 3 years ago

Hi @AnaBelgun what needs to be done for this? http://beta.neiiviewer.nicta.com.au/#share=s-rauT650IRTm8bdbt9fe4eHxrEEC

The differences between "Service Description" from v7 -> v8 is something which is applied to all WMS layers.

If they don't want the big table thing - this PR might be a good solution https://github.com/TerriaJS/terriajs/pull/5139

nf-s commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/TerriaJS/terriajs/pull/5139 has been closed