TerriaJS / neii-viewer

Data viewer for National Environmental Information Infrastructure
Apache License 2.0
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Global Horizontal Exposure layers not loading #172

Closed KeyboardSounds closed 3 years ago

KeyboardSounds commented 4 years ago

In v8, an error box appears and the layer doesn't load, citing a 400 error. In v7, the 400 error appears in the network tab, but the layer doesn't break and loads correctly.

url: http://neii.bom.gov.au/services/solarclim/wms/data/annClim_gloHorExp1Day.nc?service=WMS&version=1.1.1&sld_version=1.1.0&request=DescribeLayer&layers=mean_exposure

nf-s commented 3 years ago

These are now working