TerriaJS / terriajs

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"Ideal Zoom" broken on Esri MapServer when added through Add Web Data #6590

Closed meh9 closed 1 year ago

meh9 commented 1 year ago

Using e.g. the Transmission Lines layer in NatMap:


Clicking the Ideal Zoom button moves the map to the ideal zoom for the layer.

However, if you take the URL:


And add it through Add Web Data:


Clicking the Ideal Zoom button now does nothing, and no error or other message is logged in the console.

Testing this same thing with a WMS service, e.g.:


When adding this through Add Web Data, adding the Transmission Lines layer and then clicking Ideal Zoom it works fine.

na9da commented 1 year ago

This happens because the esri source is in EPSG:7844 CRS. When trying to compute the extent for a MapServer item, we need to convert the extent from the source CRS to destination CRS (which is hardcoded as EPSG:4326).

EPSG:7844 is not defined in our proj4 definitions file, so the extent information from the server is ignored altogether.

The CRS conversion is a complicated topic but an easy fix is to define EPSG:7844 as +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs +type=crs in Terria.