Terricide / ReVision

MIT License
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VS2012 #8

Open EGirardi opened 8 years ago

EGirardi commented 8 years ago

Can this work in Visual Studio 2012? IF so - what are the steps to set it up ?

Tried to open in VS2012 - but seems like something is not right. For example under the website project, the ChatWindow.cs and ChatWindow.Designer.cs, and ChatWindow.resx are all separate noeds in the solutikn explorere (i.e., not nested under ChatWindow.cs)

Terricide commented 8 years ago

Right now I am targeting VS 2015 and .net framework 4.6.

The reason why they are separate is because the files aren't under the website project they are just linked to files under the windowsformslib project. So that I could leverage the built in winforms designer but compile it against the ReVision.Forms library in the website project.