TerryCavanagh / VVVVVV

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Localization notes for Brazillian Portuguese #1064

Closed Space-G closed 8 months ago

Space-G commented 9 months ago

I found that most of my notes are about references that were translated differently than their original title.

Original Name Current translation Suggested translation Reasoning
Gantry and Dolly Pórtico e Dolly Grua e (Trilhos | Carro | Vagão | Carrinho) Aesthetics, and personally less confusing but this one is abstract
V Stitch Ponto V Costura V Keeps the meaning, reduces ambiguity. Avoids confusion with "G Spot" (Evita assimilação a "Ponto G" mantendo o significado)
The Tomb of Mad Carew A tumba de Mad carew A tumba de Mad Carew Capitalization (Capitalização)
As You Like It Como gostais Como você gosta More close to how humans actually speak nowadays The localization is correct
Shockwave Rider Cavaleiro Shockwave Shockwave Rider Keeps the reference to the book that wasn't released in portuguese (Mantém a referência ao livro de título Shockwave Rider)
On the [VW]aterfront À [bv]eira-mar Sindicato de La[dv]rões OU [VS]indicato de Ladrões Keeps the reference to the movie, using it's released title here (Mantém a referência ao filme On the Waterfront)
Vwitched V Feiticera Vwitched Although Bewitched (the sitcom) is a great reference, I believe it was originally a reference to the Bwitched girl group (Embora A Feiticeira seja uma ótima referência, muda o significado original, que é a referência à Girl Group Bwitched) The localization is correct
The Voon Show O show de voons The Voon Show Keeps the reference to the british radio show (Mantém referência ao show humorístico de rádio The Voon Show)
The 9 O'Clock News Notícias das 9 horas Jornal das 9 "Jornal" instead of "notícias" because that's how we call the program that shows the news on TVs and Radios. It's also what "newspaper" is called. The omission of the word "horas" (hours) is due to how we refer to programs in radios and television. (O jornal é autoexplicativo, a omissão da palavra "horas" reflete o jeito comum de falar sobre programas de televisão.)
Panic Room Sala de Pânico O quarto do pânico Keeps the reference to the 2002 movie, using it's released pt-br name (Mantém a referência ao filme Panic Room, cujo nome em pt-br é O quarto do pânico)
Cosmic Creepers Trepadeiras cósmicas Crepúsculo Cósmico Is the name of the cat in the brazillian dubbed version of Bedknobs and Broomsticks, keeping the original reference. (É o gato da bruxa aprendiz Eglantine Price, no filme Se a minha Cama Voasse, dublado em pt-br.)
The Sensible Room A sala sensível A sala sensata It's a false cognate*
Brass sent us under the top Bronze nos enviou abaixo do topo O alto comando nos enviou Translates "Brass" as the metal, instead of the military slang*
Vertigo Vertigem Um Corpo que Cai Vertigo translates correctly, but the movie had a different title in PT-BR*

* noted by @zaratustra on Cohost

Fussmatte commented 9 months ago

On the "Vwitched" thing: Bennett Foddy confirmed that it was a reference to the sitcom. In turn, the likely intended pronunciation is "vee-witched". See https://vsix.dev/wiki/Room_name_explanations#The_Final_Level

Space-G commented 9 months ago

See https://vsix.dev/wiki/Room_name_explanations#The_Final_Level

I wasn't aware of this resource, thank you!

I've changed the original post to cross out what was correctly localized originally.

TerryCavanagh commented 8 months ago

These have not come back in time for 2.4, but I'll poke our PTBR translators about addressing them for 2.4.1.

Space-G commented 8 months ago

I can do it if you'd like me to.

Only reason I haven't yet is 'cause a teacher once said that I should ask permission before working on OSS...

Do I have permission?

TerryCavanagh commented 8 months ago

Thank you, but only the translators can approve changes to the translations!

TerryCavanagh commented 8 months ago

... actually, never mind - a pull request would be very much appreciated, thank you!