TerryCavanagh / VVVVVV

The source code to VVVVVV! http://thelettervsixtim.es/
6.9k stars 553 forks source link

Unknown, possibly peripheral-related crash #1153

Open KSSBrawl opened 5 months ago

KSSBrawl commented 5 months ago

A friend of mine is having an issue on a Windows 11 laptop (specifically this one). They were playing the game with a 2160x1440 monitor plugged in and using fullscreen and the game ran fine, but once they disconnect the monitor it consistently crashes with an access violation (0xc0000005) error code. Additionally, although they have the scaling mode set to integer scaling, the game would start stretched and crash before it actually used integer scaling. They do not currently have the laptop on their person (it is at their dorm) but come Monday if needed they can record a video of the crash.

Daaaav commented 5 months ago

Myself I cannot get this to happen on either:

In all cases, I tried both disconnecting the external monitor while the game is running, as well as disconnecting it between runs. The game would always fall back to the main display.

What did happen specifically on Windows was that if I disconnect the external monitor while the game is running, the game display freezes (after correctly moving the window to the main display) but sound and input was still working.

flibitijibibo commented 5 months ago

A laptop with NV hardware, eh...

If they rename VVVVVV.exe to doom3.exe does that fix it?