TerryCavanagh / boscaceoil

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Simple Drumkit's volume gets overwritten #83

Open ThatIsAPseudo opened 4 years ago

ThatIsAPseudo commented 4 years ago

BC version : macOS Catalina ("v3")

I wanted to use twice an instrument (Simple Drumkit) with different volume, so I made two instances of the instrument. But, when I change their volume, the second drumkit's (n°4) volume overwrite the first's one (n°1).

Here for instance (cf: screenshots below), I cannot hear Simple Drumkit n°1, because I set the volume of n°4 to zero. In addition if I put volume of n°1 to zero and volume of n°4 to max, I hear both while I should only hear n°4.

Capture d’écran 2020-06-15 à 11 46 50 Capture d’écran 2020-06-15 à 11 46 54

I've got the same issue when I set n°4 to SiON DK, but not when n°4 is Midi DK, nor when n°1 is SiON DK and n°4 is Simple DK. To be clearer, I summed up it all in the table below.

And I just found out that when I remove the 1st note of n°4 (at the very beggining), it changes what I hear (but it is still not what i should)...

Instrument 1 Instrument 4 Volume 1 Volume 4 What I should hear What I hear
Simple DK Simple DK / SiON DK max 0 n°1 First note of both, then nothing
Simple DK Simple DK / SiON DK 0 max n°4 Both
SiON DK Simple DK max 0 n°1 n°1 (except if I remove n°4's first note then I hear nothing)
SiON DK Simple DK 0 max n°4 n°4 (except if I remove n°4's first note then I hear both)
SiON DK SiON DK max 0 n°1 First note of both, then nothing
SiON DK SiON DK 0 max n°4 Both

Am I being dumb or is it a real issue ?