TerryCavanagh / diceydungeons.com

Dicey Dungeons
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Specific translation issues #512

Closed TerryCavanagh closed 5 years ago

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

With 11 languages and counting, little translation errors are starting to build up! If you spot anything in the game that doesn't look right, let me know and I'll pass it along to the translators! Thank you!

One from this discord, to start:

Witch is male in the Russian translation

Edit: By the way, you can press TAB at any time to alternate between the current language and English, if you wanna check stuff!

carlito767 commented 5 years ago

Some issues in the French translation:


I suggest something like:

L'amélioration de votre Électrochoc réduit son coût de jeu or (simplier) Améliorer Électrochoc réduit son coût de jeu


As Liquorice is already correctly translated by Réglisse, I guess it could be a generic issue with upgraded items translation.

[EDIT] Réglisse+ is correct in the deck view. So it's an issue in the game view.


onetruepurple commented 5 years ago

Polish translation issues:


Bad translations:


Innate stuff:

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

These are great, thank you!

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago
the translation of "x is strong against y" - I'd say "es resistente a" rather than "es fuerte contra"
Malan-Tai commented 5 years ago

Couldn't get a screenshot, but in the French translation, Jester's pop-up "immune" text when silenced is not translated (it should be "immunisé"), while it is correct for the monsters' innate text.

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

All upgraded cards in Next Up for Jester are not translated.

Some issues with spanish reported on discord:

name overflowing button for Warrior Backup card
the fire potion card from the Alchemist
Iluminar (Illuminate) explanation
"return to main menu" button in editor
TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

Overflow in Russian:


Variable error in russian! Typo in the translation file?


damorend commented 5 years ago

Spanish translation comments after playing with Warrior and Robot:

Untranslated stuff:

Things I'm pretty sure are translation mistakes:

Graphical issues:

Suggestions/ things I'm not sure about

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

Chinese translations missing:

magic lockpick> 魔法撬锁器(魔法撬鎖器)
damorend commented 5 years ago

New one: When you copy a card playing as jester, the name of the card in the text message that pops up ("jester copied x" or something like that) is untranslated

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

Just a note here that v0.14 has some untranslated text in all versions, which is my fault - the turnaround on this update was much shorter, so I didn't send the new stuff to the translators. This mostly applies to new Jester equipment like Finale Cards, booster packs, and trading posts.

Malan-Tai commented 5 years ago

In the French translation:

image "Quit" should be "Quitter" (both in the main menu options and in the escape menu options).

image Here the 2, 3 and 4 spells names are strange, there should be "de" between the two words: "Sort de gel", "Sort de flamme" and "Sort de poison" would be way more natural.

YinYin-Falcon commented 5 years ago

"Reduce by" is not translated in German.


TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

Discussion about French on the discord:

the main thing that bugs me is the text for the innate effects ; innate's translated as "inhérent" 
when it could just be a much simpler "inné", and the translation for an enemy being weak to 
an element is translated as "[enemy] craint [element]", which doesn't sound really right imo

i'd say this translation feels formal

too formal

there's also some untranslated stuff but translations are new and all so it's understandable
but how would you rephrase the weakness while keeping it short ? "craint" didn't bother me
but you are right about "inné" though
hmm, i'd say just "est faible à" would work

there's maybe a better way to say that

but imo it'd work better
hm, "[ennemi] est faible au feu" doesn't sound right to me
sounds pretty right to me, but even then i doubt there's another way to say it 
TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago
pour moi, "truc craint le feu" fait beaucoup plus naturel que "truc est faible au feu"
pour moi ce serait plutôt le contraire

mais en même temps j'ai toujours dit plutôt "truc est faible au feu", c'est peut-être pour ça
zeh commented 5 years ago

Brazilian Portuguese translation:

Good translations overall.

Missing translations

Strange translations

UI issues

I'll add more as I play more.

lightspeedlucas commented 5 years ago

Brazilian Portuguese - Untranslated text

Brazilian Portuguese - Text overflow

Brazilian Portuguese - Suggestions

t0xez commented 5 years ago

Portugal Portuguese translation: untitled

red: if what you're trying to say here is that all the changes you make on the selected character are gone if you change to another then it should be "Mudar de personagem dá reset às mudanças da personagem atual" means changing character will reset the current character changes

yellow: it Jogador atual and not atual jogador, in english most words change places

green: Dont know if this is intended but we say Robô instead of Robot

guilhermemiranda0 commented 5 years ago

Hammerfan here.

Here are a few things I noticed during mytime playing the Portuguese translation.

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

Whoa, thank you so much, everyone! So quickly too! This is extremely useful, I appreciate it 👍

CanisLupus commented 5 years ago

Everyone has good suggestions for Portuguese. :) Even some suggestions for Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) apply to Portuguese from Portugal (pt-PT) (though certainly not all!), if the translator wants to check those too.

pt-PT notes (I'll probably repeat myself on a few):

Robot -> Robô Guilda do Poder Robot -> Guilda do Poder Robô etc...

"Place a dice to release shock" "Coloque um dado para libertar um choque" In both languages it kinda sounds like you are giving a shock, not "clearing" or getting rid of a shock. "to remove" could be better, becoming "para remover" in Portuguese.

"2 {star} para nivelar" sounds a bit Brazilian Portuguese to me. "2 {star} para subir de nível" ("2 {star} to level up") is much better, I think. "Encontrou () 1 Ouro" could be better as "Encontrou () 1 de Ouro", just like "1 Life" is "1 de vida" Crystalina -> Cristalina (we don't use k, w or y, but if the name is supposed to have a Y then it's fine)

When upgrading equipment: "{Item name} torna mais fácil de jogar" -> "{Item name} torna-se mais fácil de jogar"

"Inverte um dado de cima para baixo" -> "Vira um dado ao contrário" is slightly more idiomatic (at least for me), but the original is not wrong, if only a bit redundant. :)

"Está ao nível máx!" and "Ao nível máx." -> I don't think there's a need for abbreviation here. "Está ao nível máximo!" (or "Está no nível máximo!") and "Ao nível máx." (or "No nível máximo".

"Innate" -> "Natural" "Innate abilities" -> "Habilidades natas" "Natural" for "Innate" is strange as a single word. Consider "Natureza" when it appears as "Innate: enemy is weak agains something", so "Natureza: (...)", and in the "Innate" button when creating a character in the Editor.

"Chocado" for "shocked" sounds a bit weird to me in context, but I'm having a hard time coming up with alternatives. If shocked meant "Very surprised" it would be fine. Since it's "struck by lightning" instead, I considered "Eletrificado" (Electrified), "Eletrocutado" (Electrocuted) or derivatives, but none feel better.

NOTE: Since the Witch and maybe other characters are feminine, "Chocado" and quite some more stuff would change when applied to her (in this case becoming "Chocada") but this will probably be a bit nightmare-ish to get correct and I don't think people will be bothered if it doesn't change (since you can always say that "o personagem está chocado").

"aviso: a mudança de personagens repõe-nos a zeros"

This is a tricky sentence but it could be better. We don't have a good word for "reset" except "repor" ("repõe-nos" is "resets them"). Brazilians may use "zerar", but not us. I don't like "repor a zeros" ("reset to zeros") because there are no zeros, you just lose your changes.

So I propose:

"aviso: a mudança de personagens limpa a configuração atual" (literal: "warning: the changing of characters clears the current configuration")

Or this version, which I prefer:

"aviso: mudar de personagem limpa a configuração atual" (literal: "warning: changing characters clears the current configuration")

Untranslated stuff:

Settings -> choose one of: "Configurações" / "Definições" / "Opções" Heat Ray -> Raio de Calor Quit -> Sair

This one is probably irrelevant, but untranslated: i imagine this is irrelevant p


Boomerang -> Bumerangue Boop -> ??? Broadsword -> Espada larga Buzzer -> red buzzing button? "Buzina"? Call for Backup Robot -> "Pedir Reforços - Robô" Call for Backup Thief -> "Pedir Reforços - Ladrão" Call for Backup Warrior -> "Pedir Reforços - Guerreiro" Call for Backup Witch -> "Pedir Reforços - Bruxa" Catastrophe -> Catástrofe Deflect -> Deflectir Dice Cannon -> Canhão de Dados Grand Finale -> Grande Final Liquorice -> Alcaçuz Punchline -> if this is for a joke, no real translation... Could be simply "Piada", which means "Joke" Second Wind -> literal: "Segundo Vento", but not the original meaning Stumble -> Tropeçar Sweets -> Doces Ultima Weapon -> Final Fantasy reference? Could translate "Weapon" if you want, and let it be "Arma de Ultima", though it would likely lose the reference. Whip -> Chicote Wind up Fist -> (translation attempt:) Soco em curva

Besides these, after reading the posts above:

Slime -> Gosma ("Goop") also works in pt-PT, or perhaps consider "Viscoso" / "Viscosa", depending on gender. "Escuteira" is not a typo in Portuguese from Portugal. It's definitely the most common of the two written versions. I also vote for "vulnerável" (or "fraco") instead of "débil", since "débil" feels more like being weak from an illness and is uncommon. A sentence like "Current [something]" is more correct as "[Something] atual" in Portuguese. For the record I think "Guilda" as a translation is fine. The word is also used in MMORPG-talk around here.

As mentioned, there are a lot of places with lots of text in a very small space, but this is probably already well-known and will be fixed later. Examples:

cut cut2 cut3 cut4 cut5 cut6 cut7 cut8

Cheers! Daniel Lobo

PS: I had fun with the game. I didn't know exactly how it worked beforehand but the mechanics were very clever. :)

robsonsiebel commented 5 years ago

Ok, I see many people already wrote some of the things I found, so I'll try no to repeat. Most issues with PT-BR are overflow.

Baby Squid is translated as "Lula Bebé", the right word for Baby is "Bebê", but you could also call the enemy "Lulinha" which means Small Squid.

At the end of the fight, "Thief Wins" is translated to "Ladrão Vence". Perhaps "Ladrão venceu" (past tense) would be better, infinitive is rarely used in these situations in Portuguese, so it sounds weird.

When an item costs only 1 gold, the word Peças (Pieces) is in plural, should be the singular form "Peça"

Overflow: backstap (title and body), Leather Armor (body), Crowbar. Also many itens on backpack (see screenshot)

overflow backpack

Will play a bit more in english to check the accuracy of some translations.

pedrojcosta commented 5 years ago

Already a lot of good PT Portuguese suggestions, hope I don´t repeat any.

aovalor_li "no" should be replaced with "ao"

crystalina "Crystalina" should be replaced with "Cristalina". The Y letter is very, very rarely used in portuguese.

debil The word "débil", although technically correct, is not used very much in PT. "Fraco" would be a better choice.

erroacentuacao_li Minor accentuation problem. Should be "à" instead of "a".

pistolinha "Pistolinha" sounds really weird (although in a comedic way) in PT. Maybe switch it to "Pistola Pequena".

rolo_li "Rolo" is also a weird translation of roll. "Roll" is actually a pretty accepted foreignism, so you could actually just use it instead of "rolo".

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

Ahhh I'm so glad I put out a call for help with this. Thank you so much everyone! :)

By the way, you can press TAB at any time to alternate between the current language and English, if you wanna check stuff!

guilhermemiranda0 commented 5 years ago

So I finaly remembered a word I was trying to remember earlier in the day so I can go ahead and say this for the Portuguese Language:

CanisLupus commented 5 years ago

@Dainomyte I don't think "Duplicar a ação seguinte" should get an "à". That would be wrong, unless I'm missing something. :)

Hahah @TerryCavanagh I didn't know about the Tab shortcut but that is immensely useful. :) Maybe mention that in the original post.

guilhermemiranda0 commented 5 years ago

Err, so I noticed how I did a bad.

I confused the Dire Wolf and the Wolf Puppy for the same anemy since their sprites are very similar SO I suggested some changes above that definitelly shouldnt be done. Im going to edit the original message to delete the part I made the mistake in.

carlito767 commented 5 years ago
pour moi, "truc craint le feu" fait beaucoup plus naturel que "truc est faible au feu"
pour moi ce serait plutôt le contraire

mais en même temps j'ai toujours dit plutôt "truc est faible au feu", c'est peut-être pour ça

We could perharps use "truc est sensible au feu"?

Ixobaf commented 5 years ago

Alrighty this is what i've found up until now. (sorry i've got no screenshots, also if something isn't clear just lemme know).

-Armor reduce by 2 hasn't been translated "danni ridotti di 2" -corto circuito, lanciamissili and similar cards' description, "lancia un dato X per attivare" should be "lancia un dado X volte per attivare" -spatola, description makes no sense (still haven't seen the english text for it so idk} -hard mode switch text: "tutti i nemici hanno" or "tutti i nemici possiedono" would sound better -dice cannon could be translated to "dado cannone" but it sounds fine in english as well. -finale cards could be called "carta finale" or "gran finale" would be a bit funnier -dice cannon text needs translation: "gioca tutte le carte in un solo turno oer usarla" -cannot copy text in the copy menu should be "impossibile copiare" or " non si può copiare" -pugno della carica should say "fa X danni" -magic lockpick: "grimaldello magico" or "magiscasso" to make it shorter and more fun. -card tradeshop text should be: "la negoziante da' un'occhiata alla tua carta finale. Vuole fare uno scambio! " "Il tuo X per il suo Y, affare fatto?" Options should be "affare fatto!" And "nulla di fatto". -rampino: description looks funny, gotta check english one tho -schiva: "schiva IL prossimo attacco"

Gotta be honest, i wasn't sold on the premise of the game, but now that i've tried it ooh boy i dig it. :) Great job as usual terry, can't wait to play the final game.

pedrojcosta commented 5 years ago

@canislupis you´re absolutely right, I have no idea what I was thinking. The original translation is 100% correct. My mistake.

Birdie0 commented 5 years ago

Some wrong translations in Russian translation:

Text Overflowing: (click on text to reveal image)

Alchemist's Fire potion description ![2018-10-15_15-03-04_diceydungeons](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46950144-6dbe7f80-d08c-11e8-9838-ffef82a2267d.png)
Back to Title button * Editor screen ![2018-10-15_14-36-29_diceydungeons](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46950206-a9594980-d08c-11e8-8a7f-b9aefa17e9b3.png) * `Esc` button menu ![2018-10-15_14-09-47_diceydungeons](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46950290-ea515e00-d08c-11e8-821a-513ff8f6568c.png) * Mods screen ![2018-10-15_14-36-54_diceydungeons](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46950343-0f45d100-d08d-11e8-9b59-7755f960dfcc.png)
You have found screen/equip it now button ![2018-10-15_14-43-41_diceydungeons](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46950852-cf7fe900-d08e-11e8-9eed-e2689b5d0311.png)
Items * Ultima weapon ![2018-10-15_15-01-49_diceydungeons](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46951020-5339d580-d08f-11e8-9222-a499b2b1cab5.png) * Healing crystal ![2018-10-15_14-57-24_diceydungeons](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46951023-5af97a00-d08f-11e8-8505-2403a17f6b7e.png) * Toxic ooze ![2018-10-15_14-43-51_diceydungeons](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46951101-a6138d00-d08f-11e8-8fe5-7c9fcdde26d1.png) * Bear potion ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46952166-c42ebc80-d092-11e8-8804-cd2827a7a4d6.png) There's definitely more items, just listing the first ones I noticed
Limits bar text ![2018-10-15_15-37-46](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46951378-7c0e9a80-d090-11e8-90c2-3484c9315037.png)
Back to title warning text is not fully shown ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7945905/46952277-11129300-d093-11e8-8e45-591a003b1f6e.png)
guilhermemiranda0 commented 5 years ago

More Portuguese Notes:

zeh commented 5 years ago

More Brazilian Portuguese ones:

Missing translations

Strange translations

Malan-Tai commented 5 years ago

A detail I have noticed in the French translation, Rat+ text is wrong, it says 1 dmg instead of 2.

dariota commented 5 years ago

I'll leave one comment and edit it as I play through. I don't get to exercise my Portuguese much, so if there are conflicts between my suggestions and someone else's, lean towards theirs 😄

Edit: to be clear, I'm playing in european Portuguese

Warrior playthrough:

Aw, it's over 😞 I didn't expect to enjoy that as much as I did, great concept!

Robot playthrough:

Being ready for the end made it no easier this time around... Thief time!

Witch time (found nothing on the inventor, though I did manage to get into a spot where I couldn't progress...)

The Jester I assume hasn't really been gotten to yet - none of its cards are translated.

Malan-Tai commented 5 years ago

In the French translation, Magic Missile+ text isn't translated. image

microfolk commented 5 years ago

Italian translation here, I checked all of these through the csv tables and haven't had time to see if there are other problems with text overlapping \ not displaying properly in game. A lot of these aren't really translation errors per se but I feel like a lot of the choices were made while trying to be very literal to the original text instead of trying to preserve the RPG\fantasy feel. Of course I'm not a professional translator so I'm just offering my opinion on those cases! Some of these are really nitpicky.

These are all the notes I took, I'm sure I forgot about a lot of things. As I said most of these are just me disagreeing with perfectly fine translation choices but I'm loving this game a lot and it would feel amazing if the italian translation mantained the fun & quirky vibes this game has!!! Keep up the good work!

MatteoBoarino commented 5 years ago

Hey Terry, sorry for being really late, at least I anticipated it, eheh. Micro's reply was really exhaustive (bravissimo!) and he found out more things than the ones I've written down, so I'm just going to build my answer on top of his.

Everything else Micro said was correct and I agree with all their feelings. Fine!

*Unhappy reality time: for most of this, it boils down to whether you want to go for maximum linguistic fidelity, but italian reviewers are very picky and mean with translation quality and will let it be heard when they don't like something, so it is heavily recommended to do some adjustments here and there. This can have an impact on a good ±0.5 points on most reviewers' scores.

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

This thread has been so great. Thank you so much, everyone :)

*Unhappy reality time: for most of this, it boils down to whether you want to go for maximum linguistic fidelity, but italian reviewers are very picky and mean with translation quality and will let it be heard when they don't like something, so it is heavily recommended to do some adjustments here and there. This can have an impact on a good ±0.5 points on most reviewers' scores.

Yeah, that makes sense, I think that's fair enough! The quality of translation matters a lot, and I think a lot of non-english language speakers feel this way.

I'm hoping that, thanks to starting the whole translation process early when I'm still in alpha, that I'll end up having well above average translations for all languages. I appreciate the feedback, that helps a lot :)

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago

From an email about some issues with the French translation:

Have gold and not star written is weird (but that's not a translation issue) 
I don’t like the translation of Innate, I would rather use Capacité (ability), it definitly clearer 

Prestidigitateur: too long, doesn't fit on the UI 

Sorcière s’est faitE ratatiner (yes, feminin, so you have to add an E) - When you die with the witch
flolak commented 5 years ago

"Sorcière s’est faitE ratatiner (yes, feminin, so you have to add an E)" no it's wrong "Sorcière s'est fait ratatiner" is the good translation

explanation of the rule in french : "Immédiatement suivi d'un infinitif, le participe passé du verbe « faire » est invariable : ici, « faite » est suivi de « connaître ». Le participe passé ne s'accorde donc pas et on écrit « la société s'est fait connaître »"

flolak commented 5 years ago
pour moi, "truc craint le feu" fait beaucoup plus naturel que "truc est faible au feu"
pour moi ce serait plutôt le contraire

mais en même temps j'ai toujours dit plutôt "truc est faible au feu", c'est peut-être pour ça

est faible au feu ne sonne pas français. est sensible au feu, oui, ou craint le feu éventuellement.

YinYin-Falcon commented 5 years ago

Wenn du das Blut deiner Feinde trinkst, kommst du bestimmt mi[t]

tralamazza commented 5 years ago


  • [ ] I'd probably translate this as Tente or Experimente instead of Teste tmp

👍 for Experimente

  • [ ] It feels a bit weird that this back button uses different wording to the one, for example, in the editor tmp

I'd use Voltar (for "back") or Recuar (for "retreat" or "back off")

  • [ ] Similarly to the Robot -> Robô suggestion, maybe something like RoboBô? I'd wait for input from others here though tmp

Quick reminder that bobo means fool or foolish.

  • [ ] When you run, the <character> fled text doesn't translate fled


  • [ ] When you win a battle, it says <character> vence!. it should probably say something like ganha or ganhou instead, or <character> venceu <enemy>!

👍 both

  • [ ] This isn't translated tmp

Reduzido em ... (for male words like armor/shield, otherwise reduzida)

  • [ ] Not sure if lightning rod means like a magical staff, the thing to deflect lightning, or if it's a pun, but this translation roughly means "lightning staff". Dunno if that's what you intended tmp

Indeed, the question is how to find a pun involving a para-raios (lightning rod) and bastão/cajado (staff). Btw ceptro really means sceptre.

  • [ ] I don't know how I would word this, but this sounds really off to me tmp

The phrase mixes nouns (choques) w/ verbs (queimar, congerlar). You probably want nouns here. <foo> é imune a queimaduras, choques e congelamentos. You could opt for adjectives: <foo> não pode ser queimado, eletrocutado ou congelado.

  • [ ] There's probably a more common name for this kind of enemy, this sounds odd to me tmp

Fuzileiro espacial ?

  • [ ] The short circuit's description should say danos, not dano tmp

👎 dano is correct.

  • [ ] Other than the visuals, I'd also say por instead of em here tmp

I wouldn't change.

  • [ ] Sneezy's spike ability is translated as stake, like for killing vampires. I'd suggest espinha, like a hedgehog's spikes tmp

👍 for espinha/espinho, (or even espeto)

  • [ ] The grappling hook's description translation needs work, maybe Reutilizar o equipamento seguinte instead? tmp

I don't know the original phrase, but you can safely remove de.

TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago


TerryCavanagh commented 5 years ago


increpare commented 5 years ago
Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-03 um 01 10 36

Out of box text on german version (and missing space after comma?)

increpare commented 5 years ago

German -

"Ich wollte eigentlich ein Jetski gewinnen" - should it be "einen Jetski"? (Jetski is maskuline according to Duden, and should take accusative here?)

(warning: not a native/particularly fluent German speaker)

increpare commented 5 years ago

in german, the word for 'uneven' doesn't quite fit into the box for it

Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-03 um 00 21 08
increpare commented 5 years ago

german jester description goes out of bounds

Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-06 um 14 20 33