Tertiush / Alarmin-Android-App

Alamin is an android app for controlling Paradox alarms through an IP module
MIT License
12 stars 10 forks source link

Future of Alarmin - alternatives #54

Open Tertiush opened 5 years ago

Tertiush commented 5 years ago

Hi all

I am having immense issues with resolving bugs in Alarmin as the framework I used (Ionic 1) is very outdated and support limited. Mobile/web develop not being my day-job but a mere interest makes me believe someone else can do a much better job at creating and maintaining a solution we could all hopefully benefit from.

That being said, I am willing to share most of the code for this project if someone willing, or alternatively open-source it here on GitHub. I will not share any sensitive data pertaining to the current users, e.g. the backend db managing push notifications. I will however share the relevant code snippets to get another backend/push solution going. It would be nice if a open-source solution can be driven and maintained here on GH, that will be first prize but would require a re-thing of the code base.

If there's any takers please get in touch with here on via email (use the email feedback link within Alarmin)

Tertiush commented 5 years ago

The backed code for Alarmin is now available here: https://github.com/Tertiush/Alarmin-Android-App/tree/master/Alarmin%20Code

All front end code (the GUI, etc.) will not be published as it was created in Ionic 1 which is not a sustainable framework going forwards. Ionic 4 is the current release. I would prefer someone looks into creating native apps going forward.

lord-byte commented 4 years ago

Hi Tertiush Compliments for your great work on alarmin. I want to try to mantain alarmin/create new app but i'm a beginners. I can start from zero but probably this is an hard work to me because, after the first difficult (programming), i need to find how to talk with paradox interface ecc. ecc.... If it's possible to have your previous work I can see how you have solve this and all other problems. I would be really grateful if you could publish or send entire alarmin code (public or pvt) Thank you very much

(Sorry for my english but I'm Italian)