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Adapt OClif Scripts to work for Deno #102

Open tgadam opened 2 years ago

tgadam commented 2 years ago

Currently OClif https://oclif.io/ has scripts to package a Node/TypeScript CLI project as an installation package. We'd like to try adapting those scripts to Deno/TypeScript

AndresPrez commented 1 year ago

So oclif seemed to have worked pretty well (at least for macos). I've submitted a contribution of to the oclif repo extending the packaging logic to support Deno projects via 2 PRs:

AndresPrez commented 1 year ago


eabeliuk commented 1 year ago

We have a Windows VM in GCP that could be used for troubleshooting #112 . We could use a linux docker image to troubleshoot #111. Next in priority will be given to #111 (vs #112)