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Browser console error when opening editor with empty sequence content. #28

Closed wandji20 closed 10 months ago

wandji20 commented 11 months ago

Hi @tnrich There is a browser console when launching the editor without a sequence value for sequenceData attribute. ie sequenceData: { ...otherProps, sequence: '', }, I must explicitly set a sequence value eg sequence: '1', to clear the console errors. Would there be another approach to clear such errors since we would rather have the user open a completely empty editor when trying to create a new sequence? Thanks

tnrich commented 11 months ago

Hi @wandji20 I've published a new version that maybe rids the console of some of the errors you're seeing. Wanna try out the latest OVE and lemme know if you're still seeing issues? If you are please paste some screenshots of what you're seeing here!

wandji20 commented 11 months ago

Thanks @tnrich The errors are now cleared What I get no is a warning about using createRoot with React! Here is a screenshot of my browser console image

tnrich commented 11 months ago

Hi @wandji20 those errors should go away when we upgrade to blueprint v4 but we're a ways out from being able to do that.

tnrich commented 11 months ago

@wandji20 it looks like the upgrade to react v18 will be delayed a bit longer, at least until https://github.com/react-grid-layout/react-draggable/issues/698 is fixed

wandji20 commented 11 months ago

Thanks @tnrich