Tessil / ordered-map

C++ hash map and hash set which preserve the order of insertion
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installation with cmake #22

Closed JohanMabille closed 5 years ago

JohanMabille commented 5 years ago

This PR enables installing ordered_map with cmake. This way packages managers can rely on a single method to install it instead of developing their own processes.

EDIT: with that change, the CMakeLists.txt must be updated for each release so the number version matches the release tag. Another solution is to add a ordered_map_version.h file and retrieve the number from that file in the CMakeLists.txt. That still requires updating a file for a release, but it might be easier to remember.

Tessil commented 5 years ago


Thank you for your contribution, it could effectively be interesting to add the possibility to install the library.

As I'm not really familiar with this part of CMake it may take me a couple of days to find time before I review and merge the changes.

Concerning the release version, how are changes that don't belong to a release yet managed? Currently we have a 0.6 version, but some changes have been committed to the master since the last release. Are they just part of the 0.7.0 as you have done? Or an alpha version number?

JohanMabille commented 5 years ago

Usually all the changes made after a release belong to the next release. I've set 0.7.0 here but it could be 0.6.1 if there is no backward incompatible change and if you follow semver.

A common practice is to have a dedicated commit for a release where you only change the release number.

Tessil commented 5 years ago


Sorry for the delay, I had a bit more time to look at it.

Couple of questions:

Personally I would simplify the code to this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)

project(tsl_ordered_map VERSION 0.7.0)

add_library(tsl_ordered_map INTERFACE)
# Use tsl::ordered_map as target, more consistent with other libraries conventions (Boost, Qt, ...)
add_library(tsl::ordered_map ALIAS tsl_ordered_map)

target_include_directories(tsl_ordered_map INTERFACE

target_sources(tsl_ordered_map INTERFACE 

    target_sources(tsl_ordered_map INTERFACE 

    # Only available since version 3.8
    target_compile_features(tsl_ordered_map INTERFACE cxx_std_11)

# Installation

## Copy headers and eventual natvis file

    install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tsl_ordered_map.natvis 
            DESTINATION ".")

## Create and copy *Config.cmake and *ConfigVersion.cmake

                              INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME})

                                 COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion)


## Create and export a target that can be used with find_package(...)
install(TARGETS tsl_ordered_map 
        EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets)
install(EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets

Which would be used like:

target_link_libraries(my_target PRIVATE tsl_ordered_map)

Note that to avoid having an extra file in the source tree, I create the *Config.cmake.in on the fly. Would it be considered bad practice?

The main problem remaining is that I would like tsl::ordered_map to be used in target_link_libraries (like Boost, Qt, ...). I know I can use the NAMESPACE option in install(EXPORT ...) but I would need to rename tsl_ordered_map target to ordered_map. I have to check if I can find a better way.

JohanMabille commented 5 years ago


Thanks for your review. Regarding your questions:

Regarding tsl_ordered_mapConfig.cmake.in, I find it more convenient to have it in a dedicated file rather than generating it, this is more consistent with what is done in other projects, where the config.cmake.in file might be more complicated; also I think it's the common way of doing things so this file can be used easily by external projects.

Tessil commented 5 years ago


Thank you for your explanations.

I changed your branch a bit. Mainly to move the tsl_ordered_mapConfig.cmake.in into a cmake directory and also to install the tsl_ordered_map.natvis file on Windows.

I still have to check if I can export the alias tsl::ordered_map (to be similar to Boost::* and Qt::*) instead of tsl_ordered_map before merging the changes. I could rename the main target to ordered_map and then use the NAMESPACE parameter in install(EXPORT ...), but I want to check if there is a better way.

Warn me if I made any error with my changes.

JohanMabille commented 5 years ago


Everything looks good to me.

Tessil commented 5 years ago

I changed the main target from tsl_ordered_map to ordered_map and exported this target inside the tsl:: namespace so that target_link_libraries(my_target PRIVATE tsl::ordered_map) must be used. It seems there is no other way.

I merged the changes.

Thank you for the contribution.