Tessil / ordered-map

C++ hash map and hash set which preserve the order of insertion
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Eliminating the difference in what an iterator yields #32

Open ryanmolden opened 3 years ago

ryanmolden commented 3 years ago

From your documentation you have this:

For iterators, operator*() and operator->() return a reference and a pointer to const std::pair<Key, T> instead of std::pair<const Key, T> making the value T not modifiable. To modify the value you have to call the value() method of the iterator to get a mutable reference. Example:

Is this something that could be eliminated? I.e. the divergence between ordered_map and unordered_map? I have code that iterates over an unordered_map in parallel using std::for_each. I need to modify the T values but with ordered_map I can't do this because the callback provided to for_each receives the dereferenced iterator, i.e. I end up with a const std::pair<Key, T> and thus have no way of calling value to get a modifiable T.

It also pops up in using the ranged-for loops:

for(auto& foo : some_ordered_map)

foo here is again const std::pair<Key, T> and thus I can't possibly call value even if I wanted to, meaning I have to change all ranged-for loops to be the older, non-ranged style.

Tessil commented 3 years ago


Compared to a std::unordered_map which stores std::pair<const Key, T> the tsl::ordered_map has to store std::pair<Key, T> to be able to support move-only Key. As the std::unordered_map stores the pairs inside a node it can easily move around the pointer node, on the other hand the tsl::ordered_map stores the pairs inside a std::vector/std::deque and setting the Key as const inside the pair would force a call to the copy-constructor of Key when the pair must be moved.

The possible design choices I thought of:

I picked-up the current solution as a compromise to avoid the undefined behaviour or error-prone solutions aforementioned. There may be a better solution that I may have missed and any suggestion is welcome.

doug-moen commented 3 years ago

@Tessil Instead of returning a std::pair, the iterators could instead return a custom pair type, eg a tsl::ordered_map::pair value. This new type would replicate the structure of a std::pair, but add some additional structure that would allow for mutating the 'second' field.

Tessil commented 3 years ago

A custom pair would solve the range-based for-loop problem though it would not really be possible to expose a .first member. It'd break backward compatibility while still not being a drop-in iterator replacement for std::unordered_map::iterator.

A lot of issues are open on this .value() problem (https://github.com/Tessil/hopscotch-map/issues/23, https://github.com/Tessil/hopscotch-map/issues/49, https://github.com/Tessil/robin-map/issues/4 and https://github.com/Tessil/ordered-map/issues/28) and I understand it can be quite annoying and unintuitive when migrating to a tsl hash map. Maybe the best solution would be to just return a std::pair<Key, Value>& and put a warning that modifying the .first element of the pair is undefined behaviour but it can bring hard to track problems.

mlogan commented 3 years ago

Interesting. I switched to tsl::sparse_map from absl::flat_hash_map, which was transparent except that I had to add:


in one spot, due to this issue. So absl::flat_hash_map doesn't present this difficulty despite being a flat hash table. Have you happened to look at how they did it?

Tessil commented 3 years ago


From my understanding absl::flat_hash_map uses an union of std::pair<K, V> and std::pair<const K, V> when absl::container_internal::memory_internal::IsLayoutCompatible<K, V> value is true and takes advantage of:

// Accessing one of the union fields while the other is active is safe as
// long as they are layout-compatible, which is guaranteed by the definition of
// kMutableKeys. For C++11, the relevant section of the standard is
// https://timsong-cpp.github.io/cppwp/n3337/class.mem#19 (9.2.19)


If the two pairs are not layout compatible it is forced to copy K when resizing the map.


#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"

class A {
  A(int i) : m_i(i) { std::cout << "constructor" << std::endl; }

  A(const A& other) {
    std::cout << "copy constructor" << std::endl;
    m_i = other.m_i;

  A(A&& other) noexcept {
    std::cout << "move constructor" << std::endl;
    m_i = other.m_i;

  A& operator=(const A& other) {
    std::cout << "copy assignement" << std::endl;
    m_i = other.m_i;
    return *this;

  A& operator=(A&& other) noexcept {
    std::cout << "move assignement" << std::endl;
    m_i = other.m_i;
    return *this;

  virtual void foo() {}

  bool operator==(const A& other) const { return m_i == other.m_i; }

  int m_i;

namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<A> {
  size_t operator()(const A& a) const { return hash<int>()(a.m_i); }
}  // namespace std

int main() {
  std::cout << absl::container_internal::memory_internal::IsLayoutCompatible<
                   A, int>::value
            << std::endl;

  absl::flat_hash_map<A, int> map = {{A(1), 1}, {A(2), 2}};
  std::cout << "reserve" << std::endl;


move constructor
move constructor
copy constructor
copy constructor
copy constructor
copy constructor
copy constructor

If you remove the virtual method the layouts will be compatible and you then have:

move constructor
move constructor
copy constructor
move constructor
copy constructor
move constructor
move constructor

If you replace absl::flat_hash_map by tsl::robin_map you'll have the latest output in both cases as it always stores a std::pair<K, V> (but at the price of a value() method).

The crux of the problem is that I would like to store a std::pair<K, V> to be able to move K but the interface should ideally return a std::pair<const K, V>& and I don't think it's possible to do it in a standard-compliant way for every possible K and V.