Test-Automation-Crash-Course-24-10-22 / team_14

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Test-Cases/Product functionality/Rozetka #5

Open NeyRon19 opened 1 year ago

NeyRon19 commented 1 year ago

Descriptions: Check the possibility of color change

Preconditions: Open URL https://rozetka.com.ua/ua/

Test steps Step Test Data Expected result
Go to URL Open URL site
Click to "Я шукаю" Open "Я шукаю"
Write "iphone 14 red" Open page with "iPhone 14"
Click to "Мобільний телефон Apple iPhone 14 128GB PRODUCT Red (MPVA3RX/A)" Open URL page
Сhange the color to black Color will be change
NeyRon19 commented 1 year ago

Descriptions: Check the possibility to add to the comparison

Preconditions: Log in to test account and open URL https://rozetka.com.ua/apple-iphone-14-128gb-product-red/p352490631/

Test steps Step Test Data Expected result
Go to URL Open URL site
Click for compare The product is added to the list for comparison
NeyRon19 commented 1 year ago

Descriptions: Сheck the possibility of entering the section «Характеристики»

Preconditions: Log in to test account and open URL https://rozetka.com.ua/ua/apple-iphone-14-128gb-product-red/p352490631

Test steps Step Test Data Expected result
Go to URL Open URL site
Click «Характеристики» Click on «Характеристики» and they will open
NeyRon19 commented 1 year ago

Descriptions: Сheck the ability to view reviews

Preconditions: Log in to test account and open URL https://rozetka.com.ua/ua/apple-iphone-14-128gb-product-red/p352490631/

Test steps Step Test Data Expected result
Go to URL Open URL site
Click to «Відгуки» You can view product reviews left by other site users
NeyRon19 commented 1 year ago

Descriptions: Detailed product review

Preconditions: Open URL: https://rozetka.com.ua/ua/apple-iphone-14-128gb-product-red/p352490631/

Test steps Step Test Data Expected result
Go to URL Open URL site
Place the cursor on the photo An additional window will appear for detailed viewing of the photo