Test-More / TB2

Test::Builder version 2, the next generation of building testing modules in Perl
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Fix Test::DistManifest for 1.5 #210

Closed schwernbot closed 10 years ago

schwernbot commented 10 years ago

From: @schwern Date: Thursday Aug 02, 2012 at 04:25 GMT Orig: https://github.com/Test-More/test-more/issues/327

1.012 fails.

Nothing important in its CPAN dependents. Low priority.

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/schwern/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.1/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/01compile.t ............... ok   
t/02manifest.t .............. ok   
t/03core.t .................. 1/? 
#   Failed test 'Fails when MANIFEST cannot be parsed'
#   at t/03core.t line 32.
# STDOUT is:
# not ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# not ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# not:
# not ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# not ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# as expected

#   Failed test 'Fails when MANIFEST contains extra files'
#   at t/03core.t line 45.
# STDOUT is:
# ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# not ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# not ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# not:
# ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# not ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# not ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# as expected

#   Failed test 'Fails when files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP'
#   at t/03core.t line 59.
# STDOUT is:
# ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# not ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# not:
# ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# not ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# as expected
#3 tests of 8 failed.
t/03core.t .................. Failed 3/8 subtests 
t/03warn-only.t ............. 1/? 
#   Failed test 'Fails when MANIFEST cannot be parsed'
#   at t/03warn-only.t line 30.
# STDOUT is:
# not ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# not:
# not ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# as expected

#   Failed test 'Succeeds even when MANIFEST contains extra files'
#   at t/03warn-only.t line 43.
# STDOUT is:
# ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# not:
# ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# as expected

#   Failed test 'Fails when files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP'
#   at t/03warn-only.t line 57.
# STDOUT is:
# ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# not ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# not:
# ok 1 - Parse MANIFEST or equivalent
# ok 2 - All files are listed in MANIFEST or skipped
# ok 3 - All files listed in MANIFEST exist on disk
# not ok 4 - No files are in both MANIFEST and MANIFEST.SKIP
# as expected
#3 tests of 4 failed.
t/03warn-only.t ............. Failed 3/4 subtests 
t/release-01-no-manifest.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-dist-manifest.t ... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-kwalitee.t ........ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-coverage.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-pod-syntax.t ...... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-portability.t ..... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing

Test Summary Report
t/03core.t                (Wstat: 0 Tests: 8 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  5-7
t/03warn-only.t           (Wstat: 0 Tests: 4 Failed: 3)
  Failed tests:  1-3
Files=10, Tests=18,  2 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr  0.03 sys +  1.16 cusr  0.09 csys =  1.35 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 2/10 test programs. 6/18 subtests failed.
schwernbot commented 10 years ago

From: @schwern Date: Friday Aug 03, 2012 at 09:27 GMT Orig: https://github.com/Test-More/test-more/issues/327#issuecomment-7479358

That fix solves Test::DistManifest's problems.