Test-More / Test2-Harness

Alternative to Test::Harness
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`yath failed --summary` didn't write the promised summary file #171

Closed mjdominus closed 4 years ago

mjdominus commented 4 years ago

I ran

    yath failed /tmp/2020-03-16_11\:58\:28_1F8B3FDC-67B8-11EA-A22B-374B2EB139E6.jsonl.bz2

and the command printed out a list of recently-failed tests, as I expected. But the output is hard to parse and use in a pipeline. I hoped that a JSON format would be more useful. yath failed --help claims:

      --summary,  --summary=/path/to/summary.json,  --no-summary
          Write out a summary json file, if no path is provided 'summary.json' will be used.

So i did:

    yath failed --summary /tmp/2020-03-16_11\:58\:28_1F8B3FDC-67B8-11EA-A22B-374B2EB139E6.jsonl.bz2

This did not produce a summary.json file. Reversing the order of the --summary and logfile arguments behaved the same.

$ yath failed --version

Yath version: 1.000007

Extended Version Info
| COMPONENT                  | VERSION  |
| perl                       | v5.26.1  |
| App::Yath                  | 1.000007 |
| Test2::API                 | 1.302171 |
| Test2::Suite               | 0.000129 |
| Test::Builder              | 1.302171 |
| App::Yath::Plugin::Git     | 1.000007 |
| App::Yath::Plugin::Notify  | 1.000007 |
| App::Yath::Plugin::SysInfo | 1.000007 |
mjdominus commented 4 years ago
