TestIntegrations / TestForwarding

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Test 12.3.0 #607

Open instabug[bot] opened 1 month ago

instabug[bot] commented 1 month ago

:clipboard: Bug Details

Test 12.3.0

key value
Reported At 2023-11-21 15:45:09 UTC
Email a@a.a
Categories Report a bug, dfssf
Tags Yousef, youmna
App Version 1.1 (1)
Session Duration 38
Device unknown Android SDK built for arm64, OS Level 28
Display 1080x1920 (xhdpi)
Location Cairo, Egypt (en_US)

:point_right: View Full Bug Report on Instabug :point_left:

:iphone: View Hierarchy

This bug was reported from com.example.app.main.MainFragment Find its interactive view hierarchy with all its subviews here: :point_right: Check View Hierarchy :point_left:

:chart_with_downwards_trend: Session Profiler

Here is what the app was doing right before the bug was reported:

Key Value
Used Memory 66.1% - 0.92/1.39 GB
Used Storage 53.5% - 3.11/5.81 GB
Connectivity WiFi
Battery 100% - unplugged
Orientation portrait

Find all the changes that happened in the parameters mentioned above during the last 60 seconds before the bug was reported here: :point_right: View Full Session Profiler :point_left:

:bust_in_silhouette: User Info

User Attributes

key_name -2147334019: key value bla bla bla la

:mag_right: Logs

User Steps

Here are the last 10 steps done by the user right before the bug was reported:

15:44:21 com.example.app.main.MainActivity was resumed.
15:44:21 In activity com.example.app.main.MainActivity: fragment com.example.app.main.MainFragment was resumed.
15:44:22 com.example.app.splash.SplashActivity was stopped.
15:44:22 com.example.app.splash.SplashActivity was destroyed.
15:44:51 Tap in "instabug_fab_container" of type "ho.f" in "com.example.app.main.MainActivity"
15:44:53 Tap in "Sdk version: 12..." of type "androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView" in "com.example.app.main.MainActivity"
15:44:53 com.example.app.main.MainActivity was paused.
15:44:53 In activity com.example.app.main.MainActivity: fragment com.example.app.main.MainFragment was paused.
15:44:54 Tap in "androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout" in "com.example.app.main.MainActivity"
15:44:56 Tap in "Crash Report" of type "androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView" in "com.example.app.main.MainActivity"

Find all the user steps done by the user throughout the session here: :point_right: View All User Steps :point_left:

Console Log

Here are the last 10 console logs logged right before the bug was reported:

15:45:04  D/IBG-Core(14345): inserting InstabugLogs to DB
15:45:04  D/IBG-Core(14345): retrieving instabug logs from DB
15:45:04  D/IBG-Core(14345): forceInsertSuspendedLogs
15:45:04  D/IBG-Core(14345): inserting InstabugLogs to DB
15:45:04  V/IBG-CR  (14345): isCrashReportingEnabled ? true
15:45:07  V/IBG-BR  (14345): checkUserEmailValid :non-empty-email
15:45:07  D/DiskUtils(14345): Target file path: /data/user/0/com.example.app/files/instabug/bug_reporting/Bug_1700581496224/bug_1700581493373_.jpg
15:45:07  D/DiskUtils(14345): Target file path: /data/user/0/com.example.app/files/instabug/bug_reporting/Bug_1700581496224/view_hierarchy_attachment_1700581497196.zip
15:45:07  V/IBG-Core(14345): encryptAttachments
15:45:07  E/RecyclerView(14345): No adapter attached; skipping layout

Find all the logged console logs throughout the session here: :point_right: View All Console Log :point_left:

:camera: Images

image attachment

:warning: Looking for More Details?

  1. Network Log: we are unable to capture your network requests automatically. If you are using HttpUrlConnection or Okhttp requests, check the details mentioned here.
  2. User Events: start capturing custom User Events to send them along with each report. Find all the details in the docs.
  3. Instabug Log: start adding Instabug logs to see them right inside each report you receive. Find all the details in the docs.