TestStack / White

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Automation Testing using XML file only - without writing code (Watix for White like Satix for Selenium) #530

Open anatoly-gutnick-sp opened 7 years ago

anatoly-gutnick-sp commented 7 years ago

I am using TestStack.White and it works fine I am looking for framework over TestStack.White that will allow to generate Automation Unit Tests using configuration in XML files only (without code writing)

For example, i found something similar for Selenium:

Satix is an XML-driven, highly extendable web application automation testing tool based on Selenium WebDriver. The name stands for Selenium-based Automation Testing In XML.


dpisanu commented 7 years ago

As far as I know there is no framework around Test Stack White that enables you to do something along those lines out of the box.

You will have to write something yourself. But XML looks uncomfortable for this. I would suggest going for a BDD framework like SpecFlow and pointing it to the appropriate Test Stack White operations.