TestStack / White

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How to use Teststack.white in existing console application ? #617

Open lk9onk opened 6 years ago

lk9onk commented 6 years ago

Hi All,

I am new to this forum. I want to try TestStack.white to automate some of my UI cases. In my case I am having a console application which attaches to another application. The other application is also having its own object (API support available). In same console application I want to use TestStack.white automation library and need to verify some UI cases.

Is it possible to use this way ? As it is mentioned it requires XUnit or NUnit testing framework to work with TestStack.white ?

Note : I want to build console application as exe and run the test cases. UI testing I will do by checking the windows opened and controls present on the same.

Help appreciated.

Thanks, Onkar