TestStack / White

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System.MissingMethodException : Method not found: 'System.Windows.Rect System.Windows.Automation.Provider.IRawElementProviderFragment.get_BoundingRectangle()' #664

Open RajathHcJain opened 4 years ago

RajathHcJain commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm New to white while launching application i'm getting this exception can any one help me out to get rid this issue. Message: System.MissingMethodException : Method not found: 'System.Windows.Rect System.Windows.Automation.Provider.IRawElementProviderFragment.get_BoundingRectangle()'. Stack Trace: UiaCoreApi.OnGetProvider(IntPtr hwnd, ProviderType providerType) UiaCoreApi.RawUiaGetRootNode(SafeNodeHandle& hnode) UiaCoreApi.UiaGetRootNode() AutomationElement.get_RootElement() WindowFactory.get_Desktop() Application.ctor(Process process) Application.Attach(Process process) Application.Launch(ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo) Application.Launch(String executable) Testss.Test1()

satwik163 commented 4 years ago

@RajathHcJain did you get any solution to this problem ? I am also facing the same issue.

satwik163 commented 4 years ago

Hi @RajathHcJain This issue can be resolved by updating Castle.Core package to latest version and then rebuilding your project. This worked for me.

shirink28 commented 3 years ago

Is anyone facing issue while running teststack tests against .net 4.8 application?

angeloCabezas commented 2 years ago


Same problem here, did someone solve this issue ??

Many thanks.