TestableIO / System.IO.Abstractions.Extensions

Convenience functionality on top of System.IO.Abstractions
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Shorten `SubDirectory` to `SubDir` #47

Open rcdailey opened 10 months ago

rcdailey commented 10 months ago

I realize for backward compatibility, we can't just flat-out rename it. I feel like SubDirectory is a bit of a mouthful and not very concise. How would you feel about deprecating that in favor of methods named SubDir with equivalent signatures and overloads?

If you're OK with it, I'm happy to do the work. I just want to see if my request has merit before I spend time on it.

gigi81 commented 10 months ago

Hi. I cannot remember the tought process to come up with the SubDirectory name at the time. I think it was to align with the general API naming conventions in the parent library. I'm not generally against having both, definitely not removing the current one. I would like to hear more opinions on this if anyone wants to comment so I will keep this open for the moment.

rcdailey commented 10 months ago

I assumed having both would just make the interface confusing and I wouldn't want that for your code base. If nothing else, I'm happy keeping the extension methods I already have that essentially just rename the method.

I recently upgraded the nuget package which introduced some new signatures, which meant I had to update my extensions, which is what led me to think of this and file the report. I realize my request is subjective and not all that important.

If you're happy with how it is, that's fine too. I really appreciate you responding and being open minded about it.

0xced commented 6 days ago

The DirectoryInfo class already has a CreateSubdirectory method and the Directory class already has a CreateTempSubdirectory method. So for consistency I think it's better to stick to SubDirectory.

And now that I write it I notice the small inconsistency between CreateSubdirectory with a lowercase d and SubDirectory with an uppercase D. 😣

Maybe SubDirectory should be deprecated and Subdirectory should be introduced instead?