Testato / SoftwareWire

Creates a software I2C/TWI bus on every pins
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Split endTransmission and requestFrom so function signaturess exactly… #27

Open AxTheB opened 4 years ago

AxTheB commented 4 years ago

… match TwoWires, so it can be used in 3rd party libraries. (if/when Arduino makes beginTransmission, beginTransmission and requestFrom virtual)

Koepel commented 4 years ago

Agreed. Perhaps more is needed, for example making them virtual. The Arduino Wire.h for the AVR branch is from 2016 and the Wire.cpp from 2017. It seems that those files will not change a lot the coming years, so that is the goal to be compatible with.

AxTheB commented 4 years ago

Yes, you have to make them virtual, but you have to do it in Wire.h. Having this merged is just a step on my quest to get it working upstream (or at least having less libraries to patch when deploying my hardware)

Testato commented 3 years ago

Arduino Teams decided they didn't want to set up Virtual the functions in Wire.h.

It would still be useful match all functions with TwoWire API, but should be cheched if not only this two functions need modifications. If you like to do it, I'll accept the new PR Thank you