Tetz95 / linux-g13-driver

Logitech G13 driver for Linux
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use mode 0666 in udev rule? #21

Closed pcfe closed 9 months ago

pcfe commented 9 months ago

The current udev rule uses mode user: rw, group:rw, others:no access and group input. Have you considered using a rule that allows others also have rw?

While world read write is definitely sub-optimal, it's a gaming keyboard which (for space saving reasons) I disconnect and put on a shelf when not gaming. I happily use linux-g13-driver on Fedora 39 x86_64 with this rule;

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="046d", ATTR{idProduct}=="c21c", MODE="0666"

and can thus run ./G13-Linux-Driver as plain user.

pcfe commented 9 months ago

solution in #22 being cleaner, I'll close this.