Teun / git-flow-vis

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Pricing of add-on #26

Closed remie closed 9 years ago

remie commented 9 years ago

The pricing scheme needs to be decided before the add-on can be published on the marketplace. The add-on can be compared to https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.stiltsoft.stash.graphs

screen shot 2014-08-17 at 1 17 29 pm screen shot 2014-08-17 at 1 17 39 pm

Teun commented 9 years ago

I feel that having only one graph (although maybe more relevant) would have to result in a somewhat lower per-user price. My gut-feeling says about $5 per user with no real volume discount. So 10 users $50, 1000 user $5000. Do the price-points mean "up-to"? So is in the above example $10 for up to 10 users? Then I'd propose:

Users Price Logic
10 $25 =5x5
25 $75 =15x5
50 $150 =30x5
100 $300 =60x5
200 $600 =120x5
500 $1500 =300x5
remie commented 9 years ago

Yes, the license is up-to X users. So you cannot get a license for 15 users, you will have to buy the 25 users license. In addition, the add-on license is bound to the Stash license. So if you create an add-on for system administrators, which typically is about 1-10 users, if the Stash instance has a license for 10.000 users, the add-on needs to be licensed accordingly. Which is a great business model for add-on developers :)

Anyway, the 10 users is a starter license, which defaults to $10 (has something to do with Atlassian donating starter licenses to charity, and encouraging add-on developers to either do the same or at least default to this amount).

I will use the $5 per user formula to set the prices for the other tiers!