Teun / git-flow-vis

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`featurePrefix` option does change label color but not zone when applied to release branch #46

Open remie opened 7 years ago

remie commented 7 years ago

The allParentsOnMaster check forces the Git Flow naming convention on the graph (which can be considered expected behaviour of a Git Flow Chart) and places release branches in the release zone, even if the featurePrefix setting has been manually set to 'refs/heads/release'.

To some extend this invalidates the featurePrefix option, because it does not override the default behaviour. But it becomes even more complicated considering that the commit label actually does change color, from yellow (release zone) to blue (feature zone). When determining the label color, the featurePrefix is taken into consideration and the Git Flow convention is not enforced.

I guess this issue is about trying to make the options behave a bit more consistent, regardless of whether this is strictly Git Flow or a more liberal approach.

Teun commented 7 years ago

I think I partially understand the problem. There are situations where the topology of the commits and branch labels suggests a different role for a branch from the one indicated by the branch naming convention. To make this bug more specific, can you provide a specific situation and describe how you would expect it to be drawn? To specify the exact situation, recreate it in a viewer, then press Ctrl+Shift+]. Attach the json to this item.