Teun / git-flow-vis

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Add-on support request: more flexible branch configurations #52

Open remie opened 7 years ago

remie commented 7 years ago

@Teun, what do you think about the following support request?

My team utilizes a slightly modified Gitflow where we have versioned Develop branches that correspond to a release branch.

For example: Master --> Release/1.1 ----> Develop/1.1 ------> Feature/JIRA-123-This-is-new

Teun commented 7 years ago

So the unique thing here would be that they have multiple develop branches, more or less like you can have multiple feature branches. Not typical for git flow, but also not insane. A single develop branch can now also have multiple lines side-by-side, so the develop branch is really more like a zone already. Still, it will touch on quite central code and figuring out the history of the develop branch is one of the performance critical parts. I'd like to understand this use case a bit better before implementing. Would it also work OK if we use a regex that matches all develop branches, but present only the most current as develop?

DuckieHo commented 7 years ago

My team is still transitioning away from waterfall methodology and monolithic architecture. As a compromise stop-gap, we are using separate develop+release branches to allow teams working on different components of the application. How does the current implementation handle multiple releases? Regex with only most current develop branch would be a good start. A better (more complex) implementation would be to show all develop branches that is:

(or something like that)