TexasDigitalLibrary / Vireo

Vireo is a turnkey Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Management System.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Replacement of special characters in filenames #1944

Open smutniak opened 2 weeks ago

smutniak commented 2 weeks ago

A common problem which requires manual intervention are files with certain characters in the filename. This problem is usually noticed during an export where, in vireo4's attempt to zip up the files associated with a submission, it is unable to find a specific file as denoted in field_value.value

A recent example was a file which had ':' in the name (e.g. "stuff-i-reviewedon4:29:2024.pdf"). The file needed to be renamed by replacing ':' with '' and updating the field_value before vireo could find it.

Upon ingest a filename could be renamed or the list of characters to be escaped could be expanded.

Related to the more specific #1904 and #1909