The file was modified in this PR: ReportGenerationService
retrieveOperatorInfoReport(operatorId: string,allResults: { operatorId: string; html: string }[]):
Implements a 'Toggle Detail' button beneath each operator, allowing users to expand and view the operator's corresponding JSON, formatted using a JSON viewer.
Adds a comments section below each operator, enabling users to leave their own comments. It can be use
Generates a comprehensive HTML file containing the workflow snapsho, all operator results, operator details, and comments section ,then triggers a download of the report.
add 'Download Workflow JSON' button, allowing user download the whole JSON file directly from the report.
Operation Process: Click the button below to generate the report with detailed operator results and the workflow snapshot.
This PR enhances the report generation functionality by adding Operator JSON and Comments Section. This PR is a continuation and enhancement of the previous PR, which can be found at the following link: and
retrieveOperatorInfoReport(operatorId: string,allResults: { operatorId: string; html: string }[]): Implements a 'Toggle Detail' button beneath each operator, allowing users to expand and view the operator's corresponding JSON, formatted using a JSON viewer. Adds a comments section below each operator, enabling users to leave their own comments. It can be use
Generates a comprehensive HTML file containing the workflow snapsho, all operator results, operator details, and comments section ,then triggers a download of the report. add 'Download Workflow JSON' button, allowing user download the whole JSON file directly from the report.
Operation Process: Click the button below to generate the report with detailed operator results and the workflow snapshot.
Here is a part of the example report.