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First focus in new filter addition #109

Closed dsp0105 closed 1 year ago

dsp0105 commented 1 year ago

In the latest (april 2023) version, when we say ctrl+N(to add a new filter), the focus is set to "Filter" field and not "text" field like it used to be in older versions. Can we please have the default focus as before?

vincec-msft commented 1 year ago

A couple of us tried to reproduce this behavior but could not. The focus is always on the "text" field when the dialog is opened.

Could you try on different OS versions? There was another issue (#103 ) that only occurred on certain systems and we weren't able to reproduce that, either. In that case, though, we had a callstack so could guess at the issue and fix it. We might need explicitly set the focus but it would be nice to have a repro so we could ensure the fix actually worked.

vincec-msft commented 1 year ago

Also, if you have a version that focused on "text" and one that doesn't, on the same machine, I'd be interested to know their version numbers. Either from old versions you still have in your Downloads folder or from some of the really old versions in the download zip. Anything to help narrow down the problem.

dsp0105 commented 1 year ago

Let me check and get back

dsp0105 commented 1 year ago

sorry for the delay in getting back,

on the same machine: 2023-04-25 --> issue is there 2020-12-17 - .NET 4.0 Release -- issue is not there

dsp0105 commented 1 year ago

Actually, the issue got resolved itself, now when I add a new filter, the focus is on "Text" field.

Seems it learnt my preferences :-)

howardgood88 commented 4 months ago

Hi, I also encountered this problem. On the same machine, the file "TextAnalysisTool.NET\TextAnalysisTool.NET.exe" is not focused on "text" field by default, but the file "TextAnalysisTool.NET\2020-12-17 - .NET 4.0 Release\TextAnalysisTool.NET.exe" is OK.