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'Highlight only' filter modifier #77

Open thathaway opened 4 years ago

thathaway commented 4 years ago

In some instances, certain events or actions are common with multiple objects, but I'm only interested in a single object instance. I'd like to be able to add a colored filter that can highlight some lines, while not including results that are not already selected by an existing filter in order to help visualize log data. This can be done with more complicated multicondition RegEx filters, but I'd prefer not to have to create a regex for each filter I add, particularly if I want to change the the base entry type I'm filtering on. I also don't want to export a limited selection to a new file to search, since I want to be able to unhide lines to see context in some instances.


Line 1:Object1 ActionType1
Line 2:Object1 ActionType2
Line 3:Object1 ActionType3
Line 4:Object2 ActionType1
Line 5:Object2 ActionType2
Line 6:Object2 ActionType3
Line 7:Object3 ActionType1
Line 8:Object3 ActionType2
Line 9:Object3 ActionType3

I add a normal text match filter that selects instances with "Object2", lines 5-7. Now, I want to mark ActionType2 as red. Currently, if I add a filter for "ActionType2", it will also expand the search results to include lines 2 and 8, which I don't want to appear when I select "Show Only Filtered Lines". With this new feature, I would have only lines 4,5, and 6 in my results, with line 5 highlighted red.

I would see this as an additional Filter Modifier. Normal "selection" filters would be applied to the line list, then exclusion filters would remove their matching results, and then the Highlight Selected filter would do one more pass to apply to only lines already matching previous selection criteria.

DavidAnson commented 4 years ago

This could also be done by allowing arbitrary numbers of conditions to be AND/OR’ed when creating a filter.