Textalk / XWhois

A PHP port of the Perl CPAN module Net::XWhois
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WHOIS server definitions deprecated, should be fetched automatically #1

Open kchr opened 11 years ago

kchr commented 11 years ago

The $DOMAIN_ASSOC and $WHOIS_PARSER are structures that get deprecated/unusable as soon as the WHOIS network changes.

Since it uses the "whois" command for queries, there's no real need for these definitions. Whois will determine what server to use automatically, if none is provided.

However, for this to work we need to programmatically determine what organization is responsible for a particular top domain. The reason for this is that the response templates differ between organizations - which probably is the only definitions needed in beforehand (to parse properly).

It should all be doable through the whois command; I will read the docs and suggest a patch for this.

kchr commented 11 years ago

FYI current non-usable TLDs are .dk and .fi, probably more...

kchr commented 11 years ago

One option is to use "dig" for TLD lookup:

Example 1

$ dig +short CNAME dk.whois-servers.net

Example 2

$ dig +short _nicname._tcp.dk SRV
0 0 43 whois.dk-hostmaster.dk.
kchr commented 11 years ago

Using "host":

$ host -t SRV _nicname._tcp.dk
_nicname._tcp.dk has SRV record 0 0 43 whois.dk-hostmaster.dk.
kchr commented 11 years ago

Using "nslookup" (should work fine on Windows, will test this):

Example 1

$ nslookup -q=srv _nicname._tcp.dk                                                                  ~

Non-authoritative answer:
_nicname._tcp.dk        service = 0 0 43 whois.dk-hostmaster.dk.

Authoritative answers can be found from:
dk      nameserver = a.nic.dk.
dk      nameserver = l.nic.dk.
dk      nameserver = b.nic.dk.
dk      nameserver = s.nic.dk.
dk      nameserver = p.nic.dk.
dk      nameserver = c.nic.dk.

Example 2

$ nslookup -q=cname dk.whois-servers.net                                                                 ~

Non-authoritative answer:
dk.whois-servers.net    canonical name = whois.dk-hostmaster.dk.

Authoritative answers can be found from:
whois-servers.net       nameserver = udns1.ultradns.net.
whois-servers.net       nameserver = udns2.ultradns.net.
udns1.ultradns.net      internet address =
udns2.ultradns.net      internet address =