Textualize / frogmouth

A Markdown browser for your terminal
MIT License
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Feature request: Support reStructuredText #72

Open jugmac00 opened 11 months ago

jugmac00 commented 11 months ago

While markdown got a lot of traction, reStructuredText ( https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html ) is still very wide-spread especially among Python projects. More often than not when I run frogmouth gh <project> I have no success, as the project uses rst.

Would support for reStructuredText be completely out of scope for this project?

If there are no intentions to add support for it, I would love to see a more specific error message, e.g. something like:

The project is using the reStructuredText format which is not supported.

instead of...

Screenshot from 2023-07-27 07-58-41

davep commented 11 months ago

Keep in mind that while Frogmouth is written in Python, its git forge support isn't aimed solely at Python projects.

Displaying rst files is out of scope, at least for now, but perhaps opening up the list of recognised readme formats and handing off to the web browser would make sense.

As you probably know GitHub (for example) supports many formats: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41112364

willmcgugan commented 11 months ago

I wouldn’t say it’s out if scope exactly. We just don’t have a RST widget for Textual right now. It’s not something we are planning to build in the short term, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens eventually.