Textualize / rich-cli

Rich-cli is a command line toolbox for fancy output in the terminal
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Exporting colourful SVGs gives XML error #52

Closed ewels closed 2 years ago

ewels commented 2 years ago

I was wondering if I could get a little help.. 😬

I'm trying to figure out a semi-generalised way for people to generate nice-looking SVGs showing command-line help output from ewels/rich-click.

One approach that I tried is to set force_terminal=True or color_system="256" on the rich-click console object. This maintains colour through a pipe to rich-click nicely, however it kills the SVGs..

See for example test.svg (doesn't render in GitHub comments). In the browser (Chrome, Safari), this renders with the following warning at the top:


Passing the file through the w3c validator tool gives slightly more detail:

Error Line 45, Column 184: illegal XML character U+1b
…-r1" x="0" y="20" textLength="1946.8">      …

Any ideas on how to either (a) fix this problem or (b) generate the SVGs in a better way?

Thanks in advance!

ewels commented 2 years ago

ps. The reason I'm not generating the SVG within the rich-click code itself (as @apcamargo is here https://github.com/Textualize/rich/issues/2279#issuecomment-1128163091) is that this approach misses any other output besides the rich-click stuff.

For example, @nf-core / tools prints a custom header using rich before going on to the the rest of the code execution..

willmcgugan commented 2 years ago

The easist way to output a single SVG would be to share a Console object for everything. But that might be tricky if you have separate stdout and stderr consoles.

I'm guessing you are capturing the output from one console and printing it in another? Rich generates ansi escape sequences but won't render them by default. You could try using Text.from_ansi to convert the escape sequences back in to something Rich understands. Try this:

ewels commented 2 years ago

The easiest way to output a single SVG would be to share a Console object for everything.

There's stdout and stderr, but worse I'm trying to do this across packages: in the example above there are Console objects from nf-core and also rich-click (which it imports and uses). Trying to share a single console object across libraries like this will get very messy.

I'm guessing you are capturing the output from one console and printing it in another?

I tried a few things, I was mostly just trying to pipe into the rich CLI tool though (hence posting on this repo). For example:

python examples/click/01_simple.py --help 2>&1 | rich - --export-svg test.svg

..where I'm setting force_terminal within 01_simple.py to preserve colours. That's how I generated the SVG in my original post. Apologies, I should have pasted the command in my original post (it was late 👀 ).

I also tried capturing output from subprocesses and passing to rich Console objects, but with less success.

Context here is this idea where I want to be able to generate nice colourful SVGs of any arbitrary terminal command output (that screenshot had a literal string, but actually running the command would be better).

willmcgugan commented 2 years ago

Ah, I'm afraid rich-cli won't decode escape sequences at the moment.

Try the following. If you can cat in to this script, and force terminal output, it should capture escape codes.

import sys

from rich.console import Console
from rich.ansi import AnsiDecoder

console = Console(force_terminal=True, color_system="truecolor", highlight=False, record=True)
decoder = AnsiDecoder()

data = sys.stdin.read()

for line in decoder.decode(data):

ewels commented 2 years ago

You're a prince amongst men @willmcgugan, a true code wizard 🧙🏻‍♂️ Worked like a charm first go!

python examples/click/01_simple.py --help 2>&1 | python from_will.py

_(with force_terminal=True set in the rich-click Console object)_


Ok now I'm off.. 😆 Rest should be easy!

taranlu-houzz commented 2 years ago

@ewels Will this also support colorized output when using rich_click.rich_click.USE_MARKDOWN? I am currently playing around with the script @willmcgugan posted above, but it don't seem to be getting color for the cli output in the svg.

ewels commented 2 years ago

@taranlu-houzz - I don't believe that it's possible to have rich markup (colours) within markdown rendering I'm afraid. You have to pick one or the other.

taranlu-houzz commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I had assumed that would be the trade-off. Oh well, thanks for confirming!