Textualize / trogon

Easily turn your Click CLI into a powerful terminal application
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Taking `default_map` as source of default values into account #54

Open notniknot opened 11 months ago

notniknot commented 11 months ago

When I specify the default parameter in an option, trogon considers this value in the TUI. But when I pass a default_map as part of the context_settings (like shown in the click docs here and here) the option doesn't get prefilled.

This behaviour might be misleading because an existing default_map overwrites an options default value. Thus, the application actually runs with a different option value than trogon suggested.

Consider the following code:

import click
from trogon import tui

@tui(command="ui", help="Open terminal UI")
def cli():

@click.option("--port", default=8000, show_default=True)
def runserver(port):
    click.echo(f"Serving on{port}/")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cli(default_map={"runserver": {"port": 5000}})

The runserver sub-command actually runs with port 5000 because of the default_map. But trogon prefills the textbox in the TUI with port 8000, which is wrong.