Tezos-India / TezAsia-2k23

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Issue: GreenDay: Submission #15

Open iamamanporwal opened 1 year ago

iamamanporwal commented 1 year ago


Team Name: GreenDay Project name: Resume Analyzer ai Project's Description : The Resume Ranking and Extraction System is a web-based application designed to streamline the process of evaluating and ranking job applicants' resumes based on their similarity to a provided job description. The system also extracts essential information, such as names and emails, from the resumes to facilitate efficient candidate identification. What problem you are trying to solve: HR's dont have to manually go through resumes files based on jobs Tech Stack used while building the project: Python, NLP, Scikit-learn, Flask, html/css Project Demo Photos, Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eo_5oyW11o&t=1s Your Deployed Smart Contract's Link: NA Folder link to project codebase on Tezos-India/TezAsia-2k23 Repository * Github repository link: https://github.com/iamamanporwal/TezAsia-2k23 Your PPT file https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1m6nUfaIcD1gQaR8sHhVywfDK09xFHWFI/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113142930030400017248&rtpof=true&sd=true Your Team members Info: Members: 1. AMAN PORWAL Email: aman07porwal@gmail.com College: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of engineering. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aman-porwal-5933b120b/

simarpreetsingh-019 commented 1 year ago

@iamamanporwal does your project have any integrations with Tezos wallet , sdk or any contract implemented thats directly or indirectly playing role in your project?