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Advanced sample smart contracts can be opened, compiled, tested, and deployed #235

Closed russellmorton closed 2 years ago

russellmorton commented 2 years ago

As a Taqueria user I want to open, compile, test and deploy advanced sample smart contracts so that I can use more complex contracts in my project.

Definition of a advanced contract in relation to this issue

A single file smart contract with a complex initial storage or complex entrypoints

Acceptance Criteria

alexzbusko commented 2 years ago

@jchenche some of the info I could find on complex storage values so far: Taquito page for reference: https://tezostaquito.io/docs/complex_parameters/ Contract collection: https://tezostaquito.io/docs/contracts_collection/ Minter contracts that Rick said could be useful for this: https://github.com/tqtezos/minter-sdk/tree/main/packages/minter-contracts/bin

mweichert commented 2 years ago

Refer to https://github.com/ecadlabs/taqueria/issues/892

Some types are more popular than others, and therefore I've segmented the list of michelson types into priority buckets.

High priority types:

https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-bytes ~https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-contract~ https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-key https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-key_hash https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-lambda https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-list https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-never ~https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-operation~ https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-option https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-or https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-set https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-signature https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-unit https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-timestamp

Medium priority types:

https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-chain_id https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-sapling_state https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-sapling_transaction https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-ticket

Low priority types:

https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-bls12_381_fr https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-bls12_381_g1 https://tezos.gitlab.io/michelson-reference/#type-bls12_381_g2

mweichert commented 2 years ago

Also note, JSON has very few types:

jchenche commented 2 years ago

Compiled hashlock.mligo (below) with LIGO and then deployed the Michelson contract with the storage (in config.json) at the bottom, successfully.

type commit = {
  date        : timestamp;
  salted_hash : bytes;

type commit_set = (address, commit) big_map

type storage = {
  hashed  : bytes;
  unused  : bool;
  commits : commit_set

type reveal = {
  hashable : bytes;
  message  : unit -> operation list

type parameter =
  Commit of bytes
| Reveal of reveal

type return = operation list * storage

(* We use hash-commit so that a baker can not steal *)

let commit (p, s : bytes * storage) : return =
  let commit : commit =
    {date = Tezos.get_now () + 86_400; salted_hash = p} in
  let updated_map: commit_set =
    Big_map.update (Tezos.get_sender ()) (Some commit) s.commits in
  let s = {s with commits = updated_map}
  in ([] : operation list), s

let reveal (p, s : reveal * storage) : return =
  if not s.unused
    (failwith "This contract has already been used." : return)
    let commit : commit =
      match Big_map.find_opt (Tezos.get_sender ()) s.commits with
    | Some c -> c
    | None ->
       (failwith "You have not made a commitment to hash against yet."
        : commit)
    if Tezos.get_now () < commit.date
      (failwith "It has not been 24 hours since your commit yet.": return)
      let salted =
        Crypto.sha256 (Bytes.concat p.hashable (Bytes.pack (Tezos.get_sender ()))) in
      if salted <> commit.salted_hash
        (failwith "This reveal does not match your commitment.": return)
        if s.hashed = Crypto.sha256 p.hashable
          let s : storage = {s with unused = false}
          in p.message (), s
        else (failwith "Your commitment did not match the storage hash."
              : return)

let main (p, s : parameter * storage) : return =
  match p with
  | Commit c -> commit (c,s)
  | Reveal r -> reveal (r,s)
"storage": {
    "hashlock.tz": {
        "commits": {
            "tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx": {
                "date": "2020-05-29T11:22:33Z",
                "salted_hash": "0e2ab5866b0ec701a0204881645dc50e1d60668f1433a385e999f0af1b6cd8ce"
        "hashed": "0e2ab5866b0ec701a0204881645dc50e1d60668f1433a385e999f0af1b6cd8ce",
        "unused": true
jchenche commented 2 years ago

Deployed counter.tz (first contract) with storage value 2 and got back an address ("KT1UmYh9CnT8qFuVWLMtGkRSGqJhw5ERTY6d"), which I used to specify as storage for countercaller.tz (second contract) and deployed that, successfully.

parameter (or (int %decrement) (int %increment)) ;
storage int ;
code { DUP ;
       CDR ;
       SWAP ;
       CAR ;
       IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } ;
       NIL operation ;
       PAIR }
parameter (or int int);
storage address;
code {
       CONTRACT (or int int);
              {DROP; NIL operation }
                     DIP {PUSH mutez 0};
                     DIP {NIL operation;};
       DIP { CDR };
       PAIR }