TfT-02 / Soulbound

Soulbound items for your RPG servers!
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Soulbound issue/suggestion? #49

Open vampirictorch opened 8 years ago

vampirictorch commented 8 years ago

hello, I am actually making a minigame and your soulbound plugin would be an epic addition to the minigame, however is there any way to make an option or if it exists maby I overlooked.. where you can disable the display of who it is soulbound to as well as the uuid on the item? so it isn't on the item but still tracks it.. thanks! let me know if such a feature already exists.

madtomic commented 8 years ago

Are you able to get this to work? I haven't figure out. Especially the part of enchantment they suppose to soulbound items. 😞

vampirictorch commented 8 years ago

Yes if you would like add me at skype: TheWarezMaster1

And I can assist/help you, my problem is,a little more complexed the plugin works perfectly fine for me just want options to remove stuff :p

madtomic commented 8 years ago

What stuff are you looking to remove?