TfTHacker / obsidian42-text-transporter

Text Transporter - advanced text management for Obsidian.
MIT License
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Feature request: Popover window with destination file's headings to send text to various areas #69

Open daxmonson opened 11 months ago

daxmonson commented 11 months ago

Bookmarks are nice, but sometimes needs are to get to places fast that aren't seen often. Something that would be a useful UI enhancement would be the ability to see a popover window with the destination file's headings/links and having the ability to select one to send text under.

Could be similar to how the plugin "quick preview" works, or the quick switcher++ "open symbols" mode that shows a modal with headings and links. Maybe a little Strange New Worlds popover code could be integrated? Vid idea here

*Edit it seems like there was less restrictions on how far you could scroll down a destination note before, is that a hard limit set by Obsidian? Could be nice if that was lengthened.

Just some ideas, Text Transporter could be fully baked and I get that so thanks for all the time you've put in.