Tfarcenim / HarvestCraftTweaker2

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Adding recipes not working #3

Open Krutoy242 opened 3 years ago

Krutoy242 commented 3 years ago

Functions addGroundTrap and addWaterTrap not actually adding recipes.

One of my zs functions:

  <ore:foodCheese>, [<rats:raw_rat>, <rats:rat_pelt>]

There is actual different addGroundTrap calls with different arguments, so its probably not happens because of cpecifical ingredients. Other harvestcrafttweaker's not tested yet. No crafttweaker.log Errors/Warnings provided


democat3457 commented 3 years ago

Have you tried not using an oredict? I've found that oredicted ingredients don't work with the Presser, so it could possibly also affect the ground trap.

Tfarcenim commented 3 years ago

Lovely, if this mod ever gets ported I'm just making custom machines and leaving it at that, so much less effort and asm.

Krutoy242 commented 3 years ago

Have you tried not using an oredict?

No, its not helps. Thre is other example, not working:

mods.harvestcrafttweaker.HarvestCraftTweaker.addWaterTrap(<thermalfoundation:bait>,   [<betteranimalsplus:crab_meat_raw>, <betteranimalsplus:eel_meat_raw>]);
Krutoy242 commented 3 years ago

Still looking for answer/fix ! 🙄

Tfarcenim commented 3 years ago

Still looking for unlimited freetime so I can do things I want to do instead of paying bills!

MagmaBro123 commented 2 years ago

Still looking for unlimited freetime so I can do things I want to do instead of paying bills!

Remove this then.