Tfarcenim / WoodCutterForge

The Unlicense
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Compatability Datapacks #3

Open Syndaryl opened 3 years ago

Syndaryl commented 3 years ago

I'm working on datapacks to add woodcutter recipes for all the mods I use that add new trees. I took one look at Biomes You'll Go and wrote a little program to help me with this, so I'm hoping for v. quick turn around. Would it be helpful for you to submit a pull request to add these to your project? This should "silently" add support for those mods, without creating dependencies.

If so, do you want one PR per mod or just one big one?

I believe the Biomes You'll Go datapack should be useful for the fabric version, if fabric uses the same datapack formats, as it's in both launchers.

Tfarcenim commented 3 years ago

Question, does it spam the logs with errors if BYG isn't present?

Syndaryl commented 3 years ago

I created a stripped down modpack and a new world for testing, and I can confirm that yes, it does. Compressed log file here --

Tfarcenim commented 3 years ago


Syndaryl commented 3 years ago

1.2 yes

Tfarcenim commented 3 years ago

fixed in 1.2a

Tfarcenim commented 3 years ago

I am hesitant to add mod compat, because if I do so, the log will be spammed with errors whenever the mod is not installed, if you found a way to add it without causing a dozen lines of errors per missing item I would add them in.

cech12 commented 3 years ago

Maybe this PR can help you:

Tfarcenim commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I will keep that in mind