ThaUnknown / miru

Bittorrent streaming software for cats. Stream anime torrents, real-time with no waiting for downloads.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug]: When anilist account is logged in the continue watch and sequels you missed dont appear and uses like 50% of cpu and check for update not working #435

Closed SuckyBuckyYT closed 3 months ago

SuckyBuckyYT commented 3 months ago

Preflight checklist

What app version are you using?


What operating system version are you using?


Expected Behavior

the continue watching to work and check for update working

Actual Behavior

says oops looks like there is nothing for the continue watch thing and check for updates just flickering the screen, i had originally downloaded this on 5.0.0 and i checked in the github there being 5.0.2 released so i went to the settings to check for updates but the screen just flickered a bit and did nothing? can u add like a bar to show that its checking for update because i didnt even know if it was checking, one more thing just after i had downloaded miru and made an anilist account the continue watch thing and others were working fine but after like 1 hour it broke i tried reinstalling but it didnt work



ThaUnknown commented 3 months ago

that simply means there's nothing on your anilist lists, you cant continue watching stuff, if there's nothing on ur list...?

SuckyBuckyYT commented 3 months ago

yes but i go to and i can see my continue watching that i watch in miru but not on the miru itself

ThaUnknown commented 3 months ago

anilist doesn't have a continue watching, it has a "currently watching", continue watching is stuff you're behind on that has released.

SuckyBuckyYT commented 3 months ago

yeah so i watch a new anime series like 2 eps nothing comes up why is that

SuckyBuckyYT commented 3 months ago

update: randomly started working again so uh good for now