Thalassicus / cep-bnw

Civ V Communitas Expansion Pack
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No upgrade path for Hunnic Hand-Axe unit #203

Closed p0rkjello closed 10 years ago

p0rkjello commented 10 years ago

Hunnic Hand-Axe unit gained from barbarian encampment cannot be upgraded. Using current Steam server. Do not see mention in Github changelog.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Hunnic Hand-Axe? The Axman is a barbarian unit and it does not have an upgrade path.

stackpoint commented 10 years ago

The old German UA has been moved to the Huns. It looks like Thal moved the hand-axe from the chariot archer class without setting many of the miscellaneous properties (including promotion path):

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Huh! What? How is that related? That 'fix' has been in place for some time now. Had to do with the strength of the axman being formulated along with other Chariot Archer units.

stackpoint commented 10 years ago

The Hand-Axe upgrades to a Knight in the base BNW game. The Unit_ClassUpgrades table needs to be updated to take into account the modified hand-axe class.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

My apologies. You are correct. (again) I assumed that like the other barbarian units, Archer & Warrior, it didn't have a suitable upgrade path.

stackpoint commented 10 years ago

The other barbarian units should be able to upgrade in the base game too.

stackpoint commented 10 years ago

There are a bunch of duplicates in this table too.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Barbarian archer & warrior have no ObsoleteTech or GoodyUpgrade, so I assume they don't upgrade. To be honest I don't get these units and keep them long enough to see. It is a different matter to the units inside the camps upgrading on era change.

Which table are you looking at?

stackpoint commented 10 years ago

ObsoleteTech refers to the Tech that the unit can be built until. GoodyUpgrade is the UnitType that the the Unit upgrades into from Ancient Ruins.The Unit_ClassUpgrades table contains both units.

GrantSP commented 10 years ago

Time for another coffee I think, too many stupid comments from my side. Of course that is where they are defined. I knew that. At least I thought I did. :(

Thalassicus commented 10 years ago

I'd like this unit to essentially be an Archer variant, with the same promotions and upgrade path. It fits the unit better than the chariot skirmisher designation.

Thalassicus commented 10 years ago

I added the axman -> composite bowman upgrade and Ancient Ruins upgrade links.